QuantityPriceLocationExpires in2175,000.00 ISKAgoze IX - Moon 2 - Center for Advanced Studies School18d 1h 44m 15s4776,510.00 ISKK3JR-J VIII - Guristas Assembly Plant8d 11h 53m 24s97880,000.00 ISK0T-AMZ IX - Moon 6 - Aliastra Retail Center31d 16h 32m 28s585,000.00 ISKM-N7WD VIII - Moon 18 - Salvation Angels Trading Post38d 14h 55m 30s6085,000.00 ISKAtai II - Moon 2 - Caldari Constructions Production Plant13d 7h 58m 8s1385,000.00 ISKNaga X - Moon 16 - Genolution Biotech Production85d 17h 12m 14s895189,500.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy89d 14h 7m 48s489,650.00 ISKPR-8CA III - Blood Raiders Logistic Support8d 22h 22m 22s124290,000.00 ISKPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost89d 22h 5m 45s7290,000.00 ISKSakulda IX - Moon 2 - Republic Fleet Testing Facilities37d 23h 39m 2s13990,000.00 ISKSasoutikh V - Moon 11 - Theology Council Accounting84d 11h 20m 2s59890,000.00 ISKNaeel VI - Moon 15 - Expert Distribution Retail Center28d 19h 21m 36s38790,000.00 ISKNakri V - Moon 5 - Sarum Family Assembly Plant86d 19h 35m 58s129390,000.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy88d 14h 52m 58s81490,000.00 ISKEbasez VIII - Moon 4 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory89d 1h 44m 58s222290,040.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy89d 7h 48m 44s606590,050.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy28d 7h 43m 54s500090,090.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy88d 11h 22m 31s160990,320.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury29d 23h 14m 26s126290,700.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory89d 19h 42m 29s153690,700.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy88d 4h 58m 7s130090,800.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy86d 11h 18m 49s109390,910.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory89d 16h 3m 52s1140190,910.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy89d 14h 4m 28s15190,920.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory89d 15h 34m 2s36390,920.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory89d 15h 34m 8s40290,920.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory89d 15h 34m 15s9390,920.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory89d 15h 34m 26s1767390,920.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy79d 6h 47m 5s4590,920.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy80d 19h 44m 23s550490,930.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory89d 13h 18m 13s294490,930.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy78d 19h 34m 48s829890,950.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy74d 8h 2m 16s329890,950.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy74d 8h 1m 40s829890,950.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy79d 11h 0m 25s829890,950.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy79d 11h 0m 14s495990,950.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy73d 11h 22m 25s875290,950.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy79d 10h 59m 16s651490,950.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy74d 8h 2m 1s804290,950.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy77d 20h 56m 54s308190,950.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy79d 10h 59m 42s1500090,960.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy73d 11h 11m 42s1475090,970.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy73d 9h 32m 22s30091,000.00 ISKE02-IK VIII - Moon 1 - Thukker Mix Factory82d 6h 0m 55s190291,000.00 ISKOursulaert VII - Moon 3 - Duvolle Laboratories Research Center73d 3h 3m 4s6691,370.00 ISKUminas IV - Moon 1 - Hyasyoda Corporation Mining Outpost28d 21h 42m 41s300091,420.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy80d 17h 58m 35s413391,480.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy70d 18h 2m 29s2891,500.00 ISKAgoze V - FedMart Retail Center35d 17h 7m 51s391,500.00 ISKAgoze V - FedMart Retail Center35d 17h 11m 43s391,500.00 ISKVlillirier VII - Roden Shipyards Factory35d 17h 26m 16s45691,600.00 ISKOppold IX - Moon 19 - Imperial Armaments Factory0d 18h 35m 57s72291,670.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory83d 10h 55m 55s224491,690.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory83d 1h 17m 43s49491,750.00 ISKCharmerout IX - Moon 3 - X-Sense Chemical Refinery29d 5h 9m 32s70991,890.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy70d 12h 14m 19s12091,900.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy70d 9h 57m 19s203191,940.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory82d 21h 36m 34s215491,950.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory82d 20h 53m 20s46291,990.00 ISKGulfonodi X - Moon 15 - Republic Fleet Testing Facilities65d 7h 26m 57s179192,000.00 ISKGulfonodi X - Moon 15 - Republic Fleet Testing Facilities68d 12h 51m 35s71192,000.00 ISKGulfonodi X - Moon 15 - Republic Fleet Testing Facilities71d 10h 53m 20s99092,000.00 ISKHurjafren VII - Moon 25 - Thukker Mix Factory77d 16h 27m 38s21692,000.00 ISKInaro VII - Moon 4 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory87d 19h 22m 33s9192,000.00 ISKMies VII - Moon 3 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory66d 6h 19m 17s4292,000.00 ISKSimela IV - Moon 7 - Sisters of EVE Academy75d 6h 57m 0s655992,000.00 ISKAlentene VI - Moon 6 - Roden Shipyards Warehouse79d 5h 47m 40s82092,200.00 ISKUphene IX - Moon 13 - Federal Freight Storage79d 6h 47m 13s87792,210.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory2d 8h 3m 19s27092,450.00 ISKClellinon VI - Moon 11 - Center for Advanced Studies School85d 22h 22m 16s18692,500.00 ISKClellinon VI - Moon 11 - Center for Advanced Studies School12d 21h 53m 56s39192,570.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant89d 22h 28m 30s645392,600.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant89d 21h 6m 26s79492,600.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury89d 4h 1m 9s1046992,690.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant89d 16h 25m 52s150092,700.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant89d 16h 12m 18s350992,700.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury87d 19h 2m 28s5892,700.00 ISKSehmy VIII - Moon 2 - Hedion University0d 5h 43m 30s183992,740.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant89d 22h 48m 35s254092,750.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant89d 6h 37m 48s380892,760.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant88d 22h 58m 11s20492,760.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy63d 22h 39m 25s300092,770.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant88d 22h 57m 50s74692,780.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant88d 19h 43m 19s592,800.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury10d 6h 3m 56s91592,800.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury87d 13h 18m 0s370392,800.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant5d 8h 59m 44s72292,800.00 ISKEsescama VIII - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Warehouse43d 7h 54m 44s36992,800.00 ISKEsescama VIII - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Warehouse85d 17h 42m 54s219092,800.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy63d 6h 46m 53s97892,820.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant82d 3h 29m 53s1000092,840.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant82d 18h 1m 34s110392,840.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant88d 2h 1m 36s568892,850.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant82d 18h 1m 10s1000092,850.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant82d 18h 1m 21s1768292,860.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant81d 17h 27m 18s235292,860.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant81d 18h 30m 33s204692,870.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant83d 23h 4m 48s102392,900.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant81d 16h 51m 27s2500092,900.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant84d 21h 33m 8s418792,910.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant57d 17h 28m 41s252292,920.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury85d 16h 49m 55s133792,920.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant56d 17h 29m 51s69492,950.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant52d 12h 33m 26s173792,970.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant50d 4h 35m 35s170692,990.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury84d 2h 13m 57s100092,990.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy62d 17h 33m 17s811293,000.00 ISKIkami X - CreoDron Factory81d 9h 47m 44s453693,000.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant82d 21h 14m 29s32593,000.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant82d 16h 37m 35s267993,000.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant83d 3h 54m 44s330093,000.00 ISKEddar VIII - Moon 7 - Aliastra Retail Center27d 14h 10m 38s249493,000.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury49d 13h 42m 20s52893,000.00 ISKKamio VI - Moon 7 - Sukuuvestaa Corporation Production Plant13d 7h 50m 14s1972593,000.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory17d 11h 43m 3s343793,000.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy1d 18h 10m 49s26193,000.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy62d 17h 8m 6s4793,000.00 ISKPananan VIII - Moon 3 - Amarr Constructions Warehouse45d 7h 32m 54s46593,020.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant89d 16h 57m 37s189093,250.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy64d 1h 17m 44s225693,250.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy69d 4h 31m 40s514293,280.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy60d 19h 26m 49s327593,300.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy44d 2h 5m 57s774293,340.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy60d 12h 45m 31s671093,340.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy60d 12h 46m 25s300393,350.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy40d 20h 24m 50s1005893,380.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy34d 11h 40m 35s2500093,420.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant84d 21h 32m 43s1350093,500.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant82d 8h 54m 11s862893,500.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory73d 23h 16m 5s2387193,530.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant83d 3h 12m 5s300093,530.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy30d 15h 39m 16s2500093,540.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant82d 22h 26m 49s2069793,600.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant5d 15h 2m 25s498393,620.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant81d 14h 34m 20s17893,630.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant81d 11h 9m 44s89493,640.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant89d 15h 2m 2s462893,670.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant81d 2h 48m 5s344493,680.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 21h 0m 59s158393,690.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant20d 20h 16m 40s210393,700.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 20h 14m 8s150093,810.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant89d 15h 6m 26s349593,990.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant82d 17h 45m 47s3000094,000.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant83d 15h 14m 57s100594,000.00 ISKHurjafren VII - Moon 25 - Thukker Mix Factory38d 21h 52m 20s100094,000.00 ISKDodenvale VIII - Federal Navy Academy49d 17h 39m 22s498294,000.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant81d 1h 29m 59s4794,000.00 ISKTama VII - Moon 9 - Republic Security Services Testing Facilities16d 22h 23m 8s314694,000.00 ISKTotkubad III - Thukker Mix Factory7d 14h 4m 57s340294,000.00 ISKTotkubad III - Thukker Mix Factory71d 11h 35m 43s100094,000.00 ISKBahromab IX - Moon 8 - Carthum Conglomerate Factory20d 8h 46m 28s12994,000.00 ISKVillore VII - Moon 8 - Quafe Company Factory16d 11h 13m 48s500094,090.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant49d 19h 38m 35s188794,120.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant48d 14h 23m 10s187094,190.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant26d 11h 27m 6s96594,200.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant83d 11h 39m 19s500094,330.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant14d 21h 48m 24s140094,330.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy15d 4h 4m 17s129694,350.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 19h 28m 39s1535094,380.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 15h 34m 39s58994,400.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 14h 52m 43s149494,400.00 ISKVillasen V - Lai Dai Protection Service Logistic Support10d 1h 43m 39s228694,420.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory77d 12h 1m 8s169894,490.00 ISKUedama VI - Moon 8 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic Support70d 11h 10m 25s555894,500.00 ISKDammalin I - Quafe Company Factory43d 17h 17m 49s140094,500.00 ISKVillasen V - Lai Dai Protection Service Logistic Support49d 19h 5m 45s1159194,510.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 13h 45m 12s694,660.00 ISKIhakana VIII - Moon 6 - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio36d 21h 14m 22s202094,870.00 ISKLuminaire VII (Caldari Prime) - Moon 6 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant48d 15h 58m 19s46894,980.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 14h 15m 51s405094,990.00 ISKTurnur III - Moon 17 - Boundless Creation Factory3d 13h 12m 36s71595,000.00 ISKDaras III - Ishukone Watch Assembly Plant61d 9h 14m 21s295,000.00 ISKUemisaisen VII - Moon 16 - Home Guard Assembly Plant5d 23h 38m 16s481995,000.00 ISKGelfiven IX - Moon 8 - Vherokior Tribe Bureau64d 19h 2m 58s109295,000.00 ISKFDZ4-A VIII - Moon 3 - Society of Conscious Thought School38d 18h 54m 55s96795,000.00 ISKHurjafren VII - Moon 25 - Thukker Mix Factory30d 21h 9m 8s150695,000.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury9d 23h 59m 38s172895,000.00 ISKOkagaiken IV - Caldari Navy Logistic Support21d 16h 15m 59s872695,050.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 8h 9m 59s1168495,070.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant89d 3h 1m 31s107795,070.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 7h 41m 17s2070095,080.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 7h 18m 32s2195,100.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 6h 58m 41s979595,120.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 5h 17m 10s200095,130.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 4h 43m 28s14195,140.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 4h 5m 34s2079095,170.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant79d 21h 19m 15s36195,190.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant79d 20h 48m 47s2289595,220.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant79d 23h 47m 27s792095,330.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant79d 20h 37m 23s806795,340.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant79d 20h 34m 51s200095,350.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant79d 19h 6m 33s370095,390.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant79d 16h 19m 20s1402395,500.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant78d 22h 24m 5s172595,670.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory13d 17h 49m 22s324295,700.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory5d 15h 19m 32s160695,990.00 ISKMirilene VIII - Moon 9 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory81d 1h 30m 6s2500096,000.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant78d 22h 23m 5s214596,240.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant53d 9h 53m 54s1568996,420.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant78d 22h 40m 16s800096,440.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant78d 21h 0m 46s130796,450.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant78d 20h 19m 12s637196,470.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant78d 19h 52m 20s400096,500.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant78d 19h 14m 21s104996,510.00 ISKKamio VI - Moon 7 - Sukuuvestaa Corporation Production Plant67d 7h 8m 6s1400096,520.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant82d 5h 54m 55s58596,520.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant78d 18h 30m 8s2011296,530.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant69d 19h 52m 19s296298,000.00 ISKArnola VII - Moon 1 - Trust Partners Trading Post66d 8h 38m 42s346898,500.00 ISKNaeel III - X-Sense Chemical Storage25d 13h 46m 0s3612998,980.00 ISKAttyn V - Moon 13 - Poteque Pharmaceuticals Biotech Production72d 5h 0m 7s200099,460.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant62d 8h 30m 58s1500099,880.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant78d 18h 53m 24s333399,900.00 ISKTeonusude III - Moon 6 - Trust Partners Trading Post31d 13h 55m 12s896199,960.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant15d 16h 38m 54s870099,990.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy81d 17h 50m 8s50100,000.00 ISKTidacha VIII - Moon 13 - Ammatar Consulate Bureau15d 19h 46m 21s73017100,000.00 ISKCamal IX - Ammatar Fleet Testing Facilities60d 19h 17m 35s8767100,000.00 ISKPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost72d 19h 7m 20s15000100,000.00 ISKPerimeter II - Moon 1 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant45d 13h 19m 9s1000100,000.00 ISKPC9-AY III - Intaki Commerce Trading Post9d 1h 21m 28s10000100,000.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy34d 12h 46m 50s5109100,000.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy41d 22h 47m 31s967100,000.00 ISKBoystin V - Moon 6 - Federal Intelligence Office Assembly Plant65d 3h 12m 31s113101,500.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant8d 15h 6m 8s1200102,100.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant59d 17h 49m 9s4963102,100.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy32d 18h 16m 39s1581103,500.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury24d 18h 31m 15s399104,000.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury31d 16h 2m 8s9020105,000.00 ISKJuddi VII - DED Logistic Support49d 2h 26m 22s10280105,000.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury29d 4h 33m 46s955105,000.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury30d 7h 38m 5s6000105,000.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury56d 20h 12m 47s500105,000.00 ISKOerse VII - Moon 8 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory66d 13h 16m 1s16000109,800.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant78d 18h 53m 47s10000109,900.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant65d 15h 42m 49s1125,000.00 ISKAmmold V - Republic Military School34d 20h 21m 52s48134,000.00 ISKTash-Murkon Prime V - Moon 7 - Amarr Constructions Warehouse83d 7h 56m 53s250135,000.00 ISKTash-Murkon Prime II - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory47d 14h 50m 49s327139,000.00 ISKEmrayur III - Moon 1 - Royal Amarr Institute School65d 20h 10m 47s977139,000.00 ISKTash-Murkon Prime V - Moon 7 - Amarr Constructions Warehouse79d 23h 21m 31s21185,000.00 ISKStacmon V - Impro Factory75d 3h 26m 30s36195,000.00 ISKStacmon V - Impro Factory74d 2h 59m 27s4850,000.00 ISKMirilene VIII - Moon 9 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory27d 12h 33m 23s
QuantityPriceRangeLocationMin VolumeExpires in49594,990.00 ISKStationOerse VII - Moon 8 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory166d 13h 13m 43s130090,220.00 ISKSolar SystemUnknown Player Structure166d 3h 32m 25s222288,440.00 ISKStationHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory189d 19h 16m 26s100088,050.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 23h 38m 18s2234688,040.00 ISK1 JumpsJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 19h 46m 18s233688,030.00 ISK3 JumpsJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 18h 17m 2s464188,020.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 17h 3m 49s133588,010.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 15h 57m 40s100088,010.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 16h 22m 11s30087,900.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 15h 7m 53s737287,800.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 13h 1m 2s476287,780.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 10h 0m 44s115487,770.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant10d 4h 38m 17s2000087,700.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 0h 55m 14s1000087,700.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 1h 26m 20s15187,640.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant187d 16h 48m 58s132087,610.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant187d 15h 18m 8s100087,570.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant187d 12h 59m 21s257287,500.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure187d 11h 9m 19s1000087,400.00 ISK3 JumpsJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant187d 9h 7m 40s2237187,300.00 ISK1 JumpsJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant186d 18h 37m 39s97687,270.00 ISK5 JumpsJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant110d 17h 9m 25s1000087,150.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure186d 7h 0m 33s99687,120.00 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant189d 23h 33m 59s3087,100.00 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant189d 18h 29m 10s200087,060.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant185d 18h 51m 56s614287,060.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure188d 19h 50m 40s49987,020.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant12d 12h 10m 23s30087,010.00 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant111d 19h 27m 47s500087,000.00 ISKSolar SystemTurnur II - Moon 5 - Republic Security Services Assembly Plant129d 17h 11m 49s469186,680.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure185d 10h 51m 33s500086,670.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant185d 10h 43m 29s1526486,630.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant185d 8h 21m 56s300086,450.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 16h 2m 13s200086,440.00 ISKStationHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory188d 22h 55m 28s500086,430.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure188d 21h 58m 26s758186,420.00 ISKStationHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory169d 8h 11m 52s2000086,380.00 ISK1 JumpsHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory168d 16h 4m 48s60086,330.00 ISKStationHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory165d 17h 7m 41s200086,310.00 ISKStationRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury189d 20h 14m 33s125086,300.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 15h 54m 47s20086,300.00 ISKSolar SystemAnstard VI - Moon 1 - Chemal Tech Warehouse164d 20h 30m 59s1882886,260.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant125d 6h 5m 9s744586,070.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant185d 2h 46m 32s5000086,050.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure184d 23h 55m 55s100086,020.00 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant188d 12h 13m 17s2500086,000.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure184d 21h 33m 45s1185,830.00 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant189d 2h 27m 51s177985,820.00 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant187d 5h 55m 6s1079385,560.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure172d 8h 23m 35s1406285,400.00 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant169d 7h 5m 31s500085,020.00 ISKSolar SystemUnknown Player Structure178d 14h 15m 23s100084,590.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure159d 17h 27m 25s51984,210.00 ISK4 JumpsAlgogille XIII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities188d 13h 7m 46s1395784,200.00 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant137d 6h 25m 58s500084,200.00 ISKStationHalaima VIII - Moon 17 - Mercantile Club Bureau181d 0h 43m 15s2500084,200.00 ISKStationAzer VI - Moon 3 - Federation Customs Assembly Plant180d 23h 53m 17s1257584,200.00 ISKStationLuminaire VII (Caldari Prime) - Moon 1 - Federation Customs Testing Facilities181d 0h 5m 31s1292584,200.00 ISKStationAlentene VI - Moon 6 - Roden Shipyards Warehouse181d 0h 27m 16s685784,100.00 ISK2 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 21h 40m 46s688884,070.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy189d 21h 20m 51s100084,040.00 ISK3 JumpsAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy189d 18h 0m 40s444583,490.00 ISK5 JumpsUnknown Player Structure187d 12h 29m 48s200083,360.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy189d 16h 4m 52s1000083,350.00 ISK1 JumpsAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy189d 15h 3m 6s20083,330.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy189d 14h 24m 2s34683,300.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy189d 12h 22m 33s100083,300.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy189d 12h 24m 25s100083,230.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 10h 47m 7s192283,220.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy189d 9h 2m 5s29083,200.00 ISKSolar SystemUnknown Player Structure162d 9h 28m 36s876183,100.00 ISKSolar SystemUnknown Player Structure157d 12h 31m 20s199183,000.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure187d 16h 40m 30s100082,720.00 ISK2 JumpsUnknown Player Structure185d 20h 11m 5s4103382,280.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure160d 23h 31m 40s492182,180.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy180d 4h 22m 34s1000082,110.00 ISK1 JumpsJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant154d 16h 55m 29s176182,060.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy174d 13h 59m 18s500082,010.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant130d 3h 31m 41s300082,010.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy174d 7h 19m 54s369981,220.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy173d 11h 35m 19s122881,010.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure130d 0h 14m 41s500080,950.00 ISKSolar SystemUnknown Player Structure129d 16h 1m 1s1000080,070.00 ISK1 JumpsJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant129d 23h 54m 21s300080,050.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure174d 17h 43m 46s200080,000.00 ISKStationDresi I - Moon 1 - Freedom Extension Storage182d 6h 40m 18s400079,990.00 ISK5 JumpsJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant50024d 20h 10m 41s100075,030.00 ISK40 JumpsAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy172d 22h 51m 10s28975,000.00 ISKRegionGhesis II - Inherent Implants Biotech Production13d 18h 46m 2s1000075,000.00 ISKSolar SystemOnnamon IV - State Protectorate Logistic Support183d 14h 40m 0s664173,100.00 ISKRegionEystur III - Moon 1 - Republic Fleet Assembly Plant188d 15h 45m 36s88373,000.00 ISK3 JumpsUnknown Player Structure165d 7h 30m 17s72272,160.00 ISKStationEgbinger XI - Moon 3 - CBD Corporation Storage185d 9h 7m 46s1369072,160.00 ISKRegionTeonusude III - Moon 1 - Republic Fleet Assembly Plant385d 21h 53m 20s82265,500.00 ISK3 JumpsHalaima VIII - Moon 17 - Mercantile Club Bureau148d 14h 44m 11s39465,320.00 ISKStationPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost174d 22h 40m 45s90065,310.00 ISKStationPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost174d 18h 43m 44s97762,440.00 ISK4 JumpsEram V - Moon 2 - Eifyr and Co. Biotech Production172d 10h 5m 33s494960,000.00 ISK5 JumpsUnknown Player Structure149d 18h 49m 21s10053,940.00 ISKStationPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost145d 4h 10m 21s500051,010.00 ISK3 JumpsUnknown Player Structure167d 14h 57m 48s500050,200.00 ISK2 JumpsUnknown Player Structure158d 7h 49m 29s254650,190.00 ISK10 JumpsUnknown Player Structure158d 4h 25m 0s400450,180.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure158d 3h 56m 50s437150,160.00 ISKRegionJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant182d 5h 13m 20s99050,150.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure181d 7h 36m 52s57150,110.00 ISK10 JumpsDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant151d 17h 31m 10s100050,100.00 ISKRegionDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant151d 15h 30m 6s1000050,040.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant177d 14h 25m 50s200050,000.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy172d 19h 3m 24s946,500.00 ISK2 JumpsJufvitte VI - Moon 4 - Roden Shipyards Factory177d 11h 15m 28s805145,000.00 ISKSolar SystemUnknown Player Structure143d 1h 53m 47s994142,000.00 ISKRegionAzer VI - Moon 3 - Federation Customs Assembly Plant148d 5h 22m 58s2063036,610.00 ISK10 JumpsUnknown Player Structure147d 7h 50m 55s99030,000.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure113d 20h 48m 52s500030,000.00 ISK20 JumpsRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury140d 19h 4m 10s10028,520.00 ISKStationNonni V - Lai Dai Corporation Factory177d 18h 56m 10s15227,680.00 ISK5 JumpsKakakela VI - Moon 15 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant188d 9h 37m 4s87827,670.00 ISKRegionSobaseki X - Moon 1 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant188d 9h 22m 42s13527,650.00 ISKRegionHaajinen XI - Lai Dai Corporation Factory187d 14h 55m 57s996122,000.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure121d 17h 47m 53s100020,260.00 ISK4 JumpsUnknown Player Structure121d 16h 31m 59s220,000.00 ISK40 JumpsJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant164d 17h 15m 40s732920,000.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure120d 21h 50m 27s1999912,820.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy155d 9h 58m 48s622712,810.00 ISKRegionArton II - CreoDron Factory145d 11h 3m 48s461412,320.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure170d 18h 44m 6s378012,230.00 ISKRegionA-ZLHX XI - Moon 1 - Intaki Syndicate Bureau142d 10h 34m 59s1070212,000.00 ISKRegionHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory173d 16h 20m 15s95111,990.00 ISK5 JumpsEram V - Moon 2 - Eifyr and Co. Biotech Production157d 9h 33m 43s27811,740.00 ISKRegionHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory11d 15h 38m 29s52011,540.00 ISK10 JumpsUnknown Player Structure146d 9h 53m 2s800011,000.00 ISKStationPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost131d 20h 34m 19s126710,000.00 ISK40 JumpsIro IX - Moon 6 - Ishukone Corporation Warehouse166d 22h 23m 11s199109,254.00 ISKRegionNakah I - Moon 1 - Thukker Mix Factory166d 22h 23m 54s2979019,170.00 ISKRegionZemalu IX - Moon 2 - Thukker Mix Factory156d 1h 16m 33s200009,001.00 ISKRegionPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost10027d 12h 25m 24s100008,220.00 ISKRegionLisudeh V - Moon 16 - Kaalakiota Corporation Warehouse1025d 13h 46m 7s149968,215.00 ISKRegionRahadalon VI - Moon 3 - Civic Court Accounting123d 16h 17m 27s100006,500.00 ISK10 JumpsHikansog VIII - Moon 12 - Civic Court Tribunal171d 13h 53m 42s1004,000.00 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant15d 1h 53m 59s33672,509.00 ISKRegionTintoh VIII - Caldari Navy Testing Facilities159d 4h 54m 27s40002,508.00 ISKRegionHatakani VI - Moon 10 - CONCORD Bureau157d 18h 4m 52s16852,502.00 ISK5 JumpsSobaseki X - Moon 12 - Propel Dynamics Factory138d 8h 25m 58s50002,501.00 ISKRegionSuroken VIII - Moon 7 - Propel Dynamics Factory104d 6h 2m 22s84482,001.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure158d 14h 45m 41s10002,000.00 ISK2 JumpsSimela IV - Moon 7 - Sisters of EVE Academy131d 2h 57m 53s500001,040.00 ISKRegionOurapheh V - Paragon Fulfillment Center10049d 13h 42m 46s100001,038.00 ISKRegionTar III - Secure Commerce Commission Depository147d 16h 5m 23s996241,002.00 ISKRegionTash-Murkon Prime II - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory10d 12h 28m 45s9986920.00 ISK40 JumpsPerimeter VII - Poksu Mineral Group Mineral Reserve111d 7h 20m 58s50000720.70 ISKRegion2X-PQG III - Moon 17 - Intaki Syndicate Academy165d 23h 49m 10s50000692.50 ISKRegionTuomuta III - Ducia Foundry Mining Outpost10039d 19h 34m 38s19927692.00 ISK5 JumpsIesa IV - 24th Imperial Crusade Testing Facilities5012d 18h 3m 2s49915510.00 ISKRegionStacmon V - Moon 9 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant1048d 8h 49m 40s14777508.00 ISKRegionStacmon VII - Moon 1 - Impro Factory147d 16h 25m 8s1500300.00 ISKStationStacmon V - Impro Factory139d 0h 47m 48s1000125.00 ISKStationCouster II - Moon 1 - Federal Navy Academy142d 22h 46m 52s9953101.60 ISK40 JumpsOnnamon I - State War Academy160d 6h 46m 10s4808101.00 ISKRegionOnnamon I - State War Academy1048d 20h 56m 9s7082100.60 ISK40 JumpsVillasen V - Lai Dai Protection Service Logistic Support141d 20h 30m 57s5000100.00 ISK40 JumpsRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury175d 20h 6m 3s100100.00 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure128d 15h 17m 33s99992100.00 ISK40 JumpsOrvolle I - Federation Navy Assembly Plant18d 4h 18m 38s1000092.81 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure169d 6h 30m 49s9992191.01 ISK40 JumpsOctanneve III - Duvolle Laboratories Factory160d 5h 32m 2s4958512.16 ISKRegionOno VII - Moon 10 - Spacelane Patrol Testing Facilities155d 8h 53m 37s121311.02 ISKRegionBazadod IX - Moon 4 - Ministry of Internal Order Testing Facilities181d 21h 25m 55s100001.01 ISKRegionHophib III - Civic Court Law School181d 9h 34m 7s1000001.00 ISKRegionKisogo VII - AIR Laboratories117d 23h 4m 35s1000001.00 ISKRegionAmsen VI - AIR Laboratories140d 2h 8m 55s1000001.00 ISKRegionBourynes VII - AIR Laboratories128d 20h 6m 21s100001.00 ISKRegionBereye III - Supreme Court Tribunal173d 2h 25m 6s993111.00 ISK5 JumpsUnknown Player Structure162d 21h 41m 26s70000001.00 ISK40 JumpsUM-Q7F X - Quafe Company Factory165d 5h 11m 40s100001.00 ISK40 JumpsBaratar X - Moon 9 - Royal Khanid Navy Logistic Support181d 12h 44m 10s500000.05 ISKRegionMarosier IV - Moon 2 - CreoDron Factory1045d 23h 37m 24s495740.02 ISKRegionKor-Azor Prime II - Moon 1 - Joint Harvesting Plantation1029d 15h 19m 35s998030.01 ISKRegionAzer VI - Moon 3 - Federation Customs Assembly Plant170d 16h 37m 46s500000.01 ISKRegionHophib XII - Ministry of War Archives103d 9h 13m 6s498730.01 ISKRegionOursulaert VII - Moon 3 - Duvolle Laboratories Research Center10070d 20h 19m 19s