QuantityPriceLocationExpires in14,300,000,000.00 ISKIrmalin VIII - Moon 13 - Royal Khanid Navy Testing Facilities26d 17h 58m 17s14,400,000,000.00 ISKPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost76d 18h 1m 32s14,499,000,000.00 ISKOdebeinn V - Moon 5 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory82d 18h 3m 58s14,550,000,000.00 ISKFaspera I - Ammatar Fleet Testing Facilities84d 16h 58m 59s14,600,000,000.00 ISKZiasad IX - Moon 3 - Genolution Biotech Production72d 6h 31m 47s14,799,000,000.00 ISKRaravath IV - Amarr Navy Assembly Plant89d 15h 17m 49s14,800,000,000.00 ISKAunenen III - Moon 1 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant42d 11h 48m 2s15,000,000,000.00 ISKObe VI - Caldari Provisions Plantation84d 19h 46m 5s15,800,000,000.00 ISKDantumi IV - Moon 14 - Wiyrkomi Corporation Factory31d 11h 1m 41s16,500,000,000.00 ISKIhakana VIII - Moon 6 - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio73d 14h 46m 38s19,500,000,000.00 ISKOtosela V - Moon 13 - Zainou Biotech Production70d 17h 21m 53s
QuantityPriceRangeLocationMin VolumeExpires in13,500,000,000.00 ISK2 JumpsUnknown Player Structure172d 2h 2m 13s13,330,000,000.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure185d 4h 59m 42s13,327,000,000.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure185d 1h 49m 43s13,271,000,000.00 ISKRegionJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant153d 18h 51m 48s13,239,000,000.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure188d 4h 16m 25s13,236,000,000.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure165d 9h 13m 20s13,121,000,000.00 ISKRegionAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy189d 23h 35m 37s13,120,000,000.00 ISKStationMisaba V - Moon 3 - Zoar and Sons Factory189d 21h 4m 5s13,118,000,000.00 ISKRegionAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy180d 17h 34m 30s13,070,000,000.00 ISKStationMisaba V - Moon 3 - Zoar and Sons Factory132d 9h 19m 47s13,000,000,000.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure149d 6h 55m 40s12,990,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsAuner VIII - Moon 10 - Thukker Mix Factory170d 17h 13m 36s12,990,000,000.00 ISKRegionUuhulanen VIII - Caldari Navy Logistic Support188d 5h 37m 49s12,989,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsInnia II - State Protectorate Logistic Support187d 17h 59m 45s12,971,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure168d 10h 46m 4s12,845,000,000.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure126d 17h 58m 54s12,800,000,000.00 ISK4 JumpsUnknown Player Structure180d 17h 3m 26s12,724,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsOrien IV - Expert Distribution Warehouse170d 16h 47m 37s12,723,000,000.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure188d 5h 0m 15s12,722,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsAunenen III - Moon 1 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant187d 17h 49m 16s12,717,000,000.00 ISKStationIrmalin VIII - Moon 13 - Royal Khanid Navy Testing Facilities189d 5h 36m 25s12,716,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsPalas II - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant171d 7h 49m 54s12,710,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure171d 17h 15m 12s12,706,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsOnnamon IV - State Protectorate Logistic Support168d 10h 55m 55s12,702,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure168d 10h 35m 8s12,698,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsPalas II - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant168d 11h 18m 2s12,695,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure168d 11h 10m 4s12,691,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost187d 17h 57m 8s12,681,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost185d 21h 18m 34s12,560,000,000.00 ISKRegionPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost176d 6h 13m 36s12,559,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure168d 10h 28m 38s12,514,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsSobaseki VII - Caldari Navy Logistic Support168d 10h 48m 37s12,491,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsVivanier VII - Moon 24 - Sisters of EVE Bureau170d 16h 54m 54s12,486,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure168d 10h 59m 27s12,135,000,000.00 ISKRegionLisudeh V - Moon 16 - Kaalakiota Corporation Warehouse188d 17h 16m 32s12,130,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsLisudeh V - Moon 14 - Amarr Trade Registry Bureau Offices187d 18h 4m 29s11,917,000,000.00 ISKRegionCouster II - Moon 1 - Federal Navy Academy186d 17h 47m 7s11,916,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsAeschee VI - Moon 4 - Federal Intelligence Office Logistic Support186d 17h 12m 4s11,678,000,000.00 ISK10 JumpsRenyn X - Moon 14 - Chemal Tech Factory159d 16h 30m 59s11,372,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsUphene IX - Moon 13 - Federal Freight Storage185d 17h 6m 50s11,352,000,000.00 ISK20 JumpsAthinard IV - Sisters of EVE Bureau19d 21h 40m 53s11,122,000,000.00 ISKRegionAbudban VIII - Moon 19 - TransStellar Shipping Storage188d 16h 49m 12s11,121,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure187d 16h 44m 29s1646,200,000.00 ISK40 JumpsArza IV - Joint Harvesting Mining Outpost179d 18h 30m 50s1637,000,000.00 ISKRegionKor-Azor Prime II - Kor-Azor Family Bureau177d 16h 13m 5s1556,000,000.00 ISKRegionDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant186d 17h 51m 35s1555,500,000.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure186d 17h 44m 1s1320,700,000.00 ISK40 JumpsOnazel VII - Theology Council Tribunal179d 18h 13m 19s1311,000,000.00 ISKRegionTash-Murkon Prime V - Moon 1 - Tash-Murkon Family Bureau177d 15h 14m 50s1235,000,000.00 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure172d 16h 48m 1s1172,000,000.00 ISKRegionRomi VII - Moon 11 - Amarr Civil Service Bureau Offices186d 19h 45m 31s1171,100,000.00 ISK40 JumpsFinid X - Moon 1 - Amarr Navy Assembly Plant179d 18h 1m 15s1105,100,000.00 ISK40 JumpsX-7OMU IV - Moon 3 - Sisters of EVE Academy134d 10h 38m 15s159,200,000.00 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure124d 6h 59m 52s123,400,000.00 ISK40 JumpsAlenia V - Pend Insurance Depository185d 13h 52m 34s119,150,000.00 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure123d 19h 40m 51s112,140,000.00 ISK5 JumpsN-DQ0D IV - Trust Partners Trading Post157d 17h 37m 37s112,100,000.00 ISK40 JumpsM-MD3B IV - Trust Partners Warehouse115d 19h 1m 12s111,520,000.00 ISKRegion6NJ8-V VI - Moon 6 - Guristas Production Shipyard157d 16h 30m 32s111,480,000.00 ISK40 JumpsOhide VIII - Moon 6 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory138d 17h 28m 6s111,450,000.00 ISK40 Jumps6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support134d 10h 52m 25s16,487,000.00 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure123d 17h 42m 27s14,914,000.00 ISKRegionT-NNJZ V - Moon 2 - True Creations Storage Bay152d 6h 45m 0s14,514,000.00 ISK40 JumpsJorund VI - Archangels Assembly Plant159d 11h 59m 45s34,292,000.00 ISKRegionBoystin V - Moon 6 - Federal Intelligence Office Assembly Plant168d 15h 9m 48s14,214,000.00 ISKRegion4C-B7X VII - Moon 12 - Chemal Tech Factory157d 17h 19m 31s14,190,000.00 ISKRegionH-PA29 V - Moon 1 - Guristas Assembly Plant126d 5h 54m 45s14,118,000.00 ISK40 JumpsZayi X - Moon 7 - Pend Insurance Depository138d 8h 56m 6s13,914,000.00 ISK5 JumpsPR-8CA III - Blood Raiders Logistic Support158d 6h 36m 42s13,215,000.00 ISK40 JumpsD85-VD VII - Intaki Bank Vault123d 15h 46m 21s13,000,000.00 ISKRegionFDZ4-A IX - Moon 6 - Society of Conscious Thought School126d 1h 46m 5s12,984,000.00 ISKRegionOnnamon IV - State Protectorate Logistic Support186d 7h 19m 18s12,914,000.00 ISK40 JumpsOrvolle I - Federation Navy Assembly Plant124d 10h 51m 41s