EVE Market Browser

EVE Market Browser

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Ammunition & Charges / Hybrid Charges / Standard Charges / Large

Iridium Charge L


LocationExpires in86740.00 ISKG-0Q86 VII - Moon 1 - Guardian Angels Assembly Plant16d 8h 24m 44s10040.00 ISK3KNK-A IX - Moon 12 - Intaki Syndicate Bureau56d 12h 19m 58s150040.00 ISKSamanuni XI - Caldari Navy Warehouse87d 0h 53m 22s10040.01 ISKJarizza II - Moon 1 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly Plant47d 16h 49m 24s800040.01 ISKOnnamon IV - State Protectorate Logistic Support36d 5h 9m 15s2000040.01 ISKNennamaila X - Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Assembly Plant36d 5h 26m 12s220040.01 ISKVillasen V - Lai Dai Protection Service Logistic Support63d 12h 40m 9s6600046.00 ISKPucherie VI - Moon 11 - Federation Navy Testing Facilities88d 12h 47m 23s8500048.00 ISKPucherie VI - Moon 11 - Federation Navy Testing Facilities80d 3h 14m 7s210048.28 ISKFricoure VIII - Moon 3 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory9d 4h 39m 46s2110051.04 ISKFricoure VIII - Moon 3 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory12d 3h 14m 33s740054.88 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant89d 14h 4m 50s20442454.89 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant87d 7h 19m 4s1244054.90 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant87d 0h 1m 25s2100054.90 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant27d 2h 39m 35s400055.42 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant89d 15h 59m 15s30055.43 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant89d 15h 44m 50s880055.45 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant87d 11h 34m 20s2000055.50 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant85d 5h 0m 2s11140055.56 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant70d 5h 51m 20s1000055.75 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant86d 6h 52m 21s47352755.85 ISKGamis X - Ammatar Fleet Logistic Support54d 8h 32m 3s4920056.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant67d 3h 35m 59s5740056.50 ISKParchanier VI - Moon 16 - Wiyrkomi Corporation Factory73d 23h 57m 10s5200456.99 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant57d 15h 25m 52s6179657.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant2d 22h 39m 24s210060.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Business Tribunal Bureau Offices11d 0h 35m 18s8400060.00 ISKMies I - Astral Mining Inc. Mineral Reserve77d 18h 32m 30s100000060.00 ISKYona VIII - Moon 8 - Republic Security Services Assembly Plant89d 7h 1m 39s11700061.34 ISKOursulaert IV - Federation Navy Testing Facilities30d 15h 25m 39s1187021062.99 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant87d 21h 20m 1s30300063.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant7d 13h 12m 27s40063.00 ISKHentogaira I - Moon 11 - Science and Trade Institute School79d 23h 6m 13s5938663.60 ISKCouster II - Moon 1 - Federal Navy Academy86d 5h 29m 49s1144063.62 ISKCouster II - Moon 1 - Federal Navy Academy84d 2h 18m 47s16182064.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant65d 20h 19m 8s42314164.00 ISKArnon IX - Moon 3 - Sisters of EVE Bureau11d 1h 27m 27s299744064.50 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant67d 21h 38m 40s1000065.00 ISKAufay V - Moon 1 - Federal Intelligence Office Testing Facilities86d 14h 46m 31s53896365.75 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant33d 10h 16m 23s177070067.44 ISKSaisio VII - Moon 1 - Peace and Order Unit Testing Facilities84d 10h 34m 23s714967.99 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant30d 22h 24m 9s191222070.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant27d 5h 27m 9s1459670.00 ISKMurema IV - Republic Security Services Assembly Plant21d 16h 41m 55s18300170.20 ISKIkami X - CreoDron Factory86d 13h 18m 26s3490077.00 ISKBahromab VIII - Moon 4 - Carthum Conglomerate Factory24d 9h 9m 51s18510079.39 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy89d 6h 7m 59s5097579.40 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy89d 4h 47m 11s10565279.42 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy86d 1h 59m 41s1890479.43 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy85d 5h 47m 56s50079.83 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy15d 21h 35m 36s9200080.20 ISKOnnamon IV - State Protectorate Logistic Support63d 8h 0m 18s4050081.00 ISKQuier IV - Moon 27 - Sisters of EVE Treasury12d 16h 4m 6s4524382.35 ISKHarerget II - Moon 1 - Federal Navy Academy70d 18h 13m 38s4473585.00 ISKMisaba V - Moon 3 - Zoar and Sons Factory84d 22h 58m 32s10087.67 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy68d 3h 27m 22s9500087.97 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy59d 8h 3m 58s1720088.94 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy0d 16h 58m 58s75640090.00 ISKPenirgman IX - Moon 11 - Ishukone Corporation Factory45d 11h 32m 34s2900090.01 ISKOerse VII - Moon 8 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory78d 19h 14m 21s18260095.03 ISKVillore VI - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support81d 12h 16m 35s2303198.98 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant39d 7h 29m 21s720099.00 ISKIkao VII - Moon 8 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic Support8d 23h 33m 53s627999.01 ISKSantola VIII - Moon 9 - Spacelane Patrol Testing Facilities31d 1h 33m 33s70099.99 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury72d 18h 41m 31s78900100.00 ISKIsinokka V - Moon 10 - Spacelane Patrol Testing Facilities19d 18h 23m 18s133084100.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury64d 10h 13m 54s11700109.00 ISKLustrevik VII - Moon 9 - Brutor Tribe Academy57d 14h 48m 24s73000110.00 ISKKaimon II - Moon 10 - Corporate Police Force Assembly Plant69d 1h 30m 9s19632110.00 ISKHeorah VII - Moon 2 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory61d 9h 16m 46s100000112.60 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant71d 22h 39m 46s28000112.70 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant16d 23h 37m 27s24000120.00 ISKHeorah VI - Moon 14 - The Scope Publisher49d 9h 41m 1s10000122.90 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury23d 0h 35m 37s10000125.00 ISKTorrinos V - Moon 5 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory72d 10h 24m 0s42125.70 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant16d 3h 29m 27s12000126.00 ISKIsaziwa VII - Perkone Factory21d 5h 25m 44s283000128.10 ISKKamio VI - Moon 7 - Sukuuvestaa Corporation Production Plant58d 6h 40m 7s239500128.20 ISKBMNV-P XI - Moon 11 - Intaki Space Police Assembly Plant33d 0h 25m 5s252700129.00 ISKOerse VII - Moon 8 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory9d 1h 21m 36s4000136.90 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory87d 18h 9m 32s99300137.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory87d 0h 52m 18s290000138.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory84d 1h 45m 13s128108140.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory8d 2h 45m 37s38340143.90 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory63d 1h 45m 20s10000144.00 ISKArlek I - Moon 5 - Core Complexion Inc. Factory59d 0h 36m 52s50000144.70 ISKHek VIII - Moon 17 - Aliastra Retail Center0d 20h 38m 33s21200149.90 ISK6QBH-S IV - Moon 13 - True Power Mining Outpost1d 2h 27m 15s290000150.00 ISKEram IX - Moon 5 - Core Complexion Inc. Factory39d 22h 56m 29s50000159.90 ISKAlenia V - Duvolle Laboratories Factory78d 10h 24m 47s181000160.00 ISKIsikemi VI - Moon 5 - Caldari Navy Logistic Support72d 10h 10m 0s513799175.00 ISKAzer VI - Moon 3 - Federation Customs Assembly Plant80d 10h 43m 7s7000200.00 ISKOipo II - Moon 21 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory62d 20h 32m 25s2900209.70 ISKLeremblompes IV - Moon 11 - Center for Advanced Studies School32d 17h 18m 51s10800219.30 ISKKakakela VI - Moon 5 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory65d 0h 48m 47s5000249.90 ISKEsescama VIII - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Warehouse86d 9h 44m 3s1000400.00 ISKTzvi VI - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support62d 11h 19m 11s164612749.00 ISKKakakela VI - Moon 15 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant69d 5h 31m 26s2969749.90 ISKJouvulen III - Science and Trade Institute School78d 10h 46m 24s3000850.00 ISKMora VI - Moon 4 - Ishukone Corporation Factory17d 4h 39m 17s37784889.90 ISKMora VI - Moon 4 - Ishukone Corporation Factory45d 3h 28m 57s84750899.60 ISKNahyeen VI - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant52d 11h 18m 5s


RangeLocationMin VolumeExpires in9520960.99 ISK3 JumpsAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy185d 18h 9m 8s8793260.80 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy19d 5h 48m 0s940059.20 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy165d 6h 9m 43s930056.35 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy15d 6h 52m 25s64627342.72 ISK3 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 15h 0m 55s28168642.71 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 5h 27m 34s209261442.69 ISK20 JumpsUnknown Player Structure187d 21h 44m 6s2000042.00 ISKStationHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory160d 20h 29m 51s9340041.00 ISKStationHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory138d 18h 0m 4s58256224.89 ISK5 JumpsRenyn IX - Federation Customs Assembly Plant153d 2h 14m 45s8690021.10 ISK3 JumpsTrossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille11d 23h 6m 35s2171421.00 ISKRegionDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant180d 14h 10m 7s1105211.10 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant181d 7h 17m 58s99910011.04 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant179d 12h 55m 32s10000010.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant152d 20h 31m 14s92705.00 ISKRegionSeil IV - Moon 9 - Caldari Business Tribunal Bureau Offices175d 5h 59m 21s964004.99 ISKStationRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury161d 8h 11m 14s2072993.81 ISKRegionWaskisen IX - Moon 11 - Kaalakiota Corporation Warehouse171d 9h 42m 3s961552.51 ISK5 JumpsUmokka X - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Testing Facilities185d 4h 8m 27s995002.50 ISKRegionAkiainavas III - School of Applied Knowledge181d 22h 11m 37s1081842.49 ISK3 JumpsKakakela VII - Moon 16 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant175d 15h 53m 11s9985002.43 ISK3 JumpsFuntanainen VIII - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant10055d 18h 26m 23s4051051.00 ISKRegionNiyabainen VIII - Moon 16 - Ducia Foundry Mining Outpost185d 7h 35m 51s971001.00 ISKRegionAmsen VI - AIR Laboratories10d 13h 5m 47s15000000.75 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant133d 10h 16m 52s9996000.03 ISKRegionLustrevik VII - Moon 9 - Brutor Tribe Academy10078d 22h 26m 30s999000.03 ISK3 JumpsClellinon VI - Moon 11 - Center for Advanced Studies School14d 12h 1m 8s100000000.02 ISK40 JumpsJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant131d 1h 2m 0s99934000.02 ISK40 JumpsRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury132d 21h 22m 16s99741280.02 ISK40 JumpsDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant132d 8h 48m 2s100000000.02 ISK40 JumpsAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy129d 13h 55m 15s247000.01 ISKRegionAzer VI - Moon 1 - CreoDron Warehouse150d 19h 57m 45s25220390.01 ISK3 JumpsUnknown Player Structure124d 23h 52m 40s