EVE Market Browser

EVE Market Browser

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Manufacture & Research / Materials / Raw Materials / Standard Ores / Veldspar

Concentrated Veldspar


LocationExpires in96.54 ISKDresi I - Moon 18 - Emperor Family Bureau3d 20h 37m 47s267.54 ISKSlays VII - Moon 3 - Federal Administration Bureau Offices88d 20h 46m 20s357.55 ISKOrvolle I - Federation Navy Assembly Plant87d 11h 39m 9s231099.21 ISKSalashayama VII - Moon 8 - Ammatar Fleet Logistic Support5d 5h 36m 41s570410.00 ISKEmrayur III - AIR Laboratories13d 1h 5m 24s69910.36 ISKHilaban VI - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant86d 4h 34m 26s90410.60 ISKVaurent II - Quafe Company Factory0d 13h 21m 58s31501910.61 ISKLirsautton VII - Quafe Company Factory0d 13h 7m 22s31447110.80 ISKOrdion IV - Moon 2 - Amarr Navy Testing Facilities89d 2h 22m 49s144010.85 ISKSehmy VIII - AIR Laboratories1d 9h 1m 7s1152010.85 ISKSehmy VIII - AIR Laboratories1d 9h 1m 12s4463910.85 ISKSehmy VIII - AIR Laboratories1d 9h 1m 19s7010.85 ISKConoban VII - Moon 8 - Hedion University85d 23h 41m 3s2210.85 ISKConoban VII - Moon 8 - Hedion University10d 13h 42m 46s101939310.85 ISKConoban VII - Moon 8 - Hedion University87d 0h 13m 11s8710.91 ISKClellinon VI - Moon 11 - Center for Advanced Studies School0d 11h 40m 50s4810.91 ISKJufvitte VI - Moon 4 - Roden Shipyards Factory0d 17h 53m 43s696311.04 ISKOld Man Star VIII - Moon 1 - Quafe Company Warehouse82d 15h 12m 31s67495311.48 ISKUnel IX - Chemal Tech Factory89d 18h 36m 51s5000011.52 ISKHadaugago II - Moon 1 - Republic Military School6d 11h 51m 50s5000011.52 ISKHadaugago II - Moon 1 - Republic Military School6d 12h 40m 16s980011.52 ISKHulm VIII - AIR Laboratories29d 14h 53m 48s59411.55 ISKAmmold V - AIR Laboratories6d 8h 32m 41s349100511.70 ISKPasha VII - Moon 3 - Royal Amarr Institute School2d 13h 21m 22s5000011.71 ISKIsikano IV - Moon 1 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant2d 14h 52m 36s3913911.71 ISKIsikemi V - Home Guard Assembly Plant0d 16h 49m 53s217311.71 ISKIsikemi V - Home Guard Assembly Plant0d 16h 50m 0s758911.71 ISKAkiainavas III - School of Applied Knowledge89d 18h 38m 8s4965740512.00 ISKJita V - Moon 17 - Caldari Constructions Production Plant89d 22h 29m 54s2802612.00 ISKJouvulen III - Science and Trade Institute School88d 6h 57m 2s3404012.00 ISKJouvulen III - Science and Trade Institute School89d 9h 26m 23s400000012.00 ISKSehmosh VIII - Moon 22 - Caldari Business Tribunal Information Center4d 13h 38m 56s182751912.00 ISKHeorah VI - Moon 17 - The Scope Development Studio2d 23h 19m 6s15879312.00 ISKClellinon VI - Moon 11 - Center for Advanced Studies School29d 13h 47m 23s6227112.02 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant89d 17h 46m 52s2173012.02 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant0d 19h 28m 13s4956612.02 ISKTrossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille2d 8h 29m 45s5000012.02 ISKTrossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille2d 8h 29m 56s5000012.02 ISKAlillere IV - Aliastra Retail Center0d 10h 40m 7s19766212.40 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant88d 9h 49m 58s9203212.40 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant88d 17h 53m 12s1123712.40 ISKOhide VIII - Moon 6 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory5d 14h 3m 3s5000012.42 ISKTrossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille0d 6h 15m 43s5000012.42 ISKTrossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille0d 8h 2m 17s1381212.42 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant88d 7h 43m 11s36463912.43 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant87d 10h 51m 15s34041112.49 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant6d 2h 27m 56s12978112.49 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy89d 12h 42m 26s122815812.50 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant28d 1h 44m 39s21412712.50 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant2d 15h 10m 46s95519612.50 ISKHitanishio VI - Moon 6 - School of Applied Knowledge82d 21h 14m 27s35000012.50 ISKJouvulen III - Science and Trade Institute School89d 9h 27m 15s447417512.50 ISKAirkio VII - Moon 3 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory89d 9h 44m 55s500012.50 ISKLaic IX - Moon 2 - Federal Administration Archives50d 19h 44m 14s11994412.50 ISKMabnen V - Moon 5 - Expert Distribution Warehouse88d 13h 55m 23s53692912.73 ISKAymaerne VIII - Moon 2 - Aliastra Warehouse89d 2h 45m 11s10000012.80 ISKLaic IX - Moon 2 - Federal Administration Archives68d 20h 23m 20s388612.89 ISKVuorrassi VI - Moon 2 - Caldari Navy Logistic Support80d 9h 44m 38s394985212.90 ISKHitanishio VI - Moon 6 - School of Applied Knowledge62d 5h 21m 12s3331312.90 ISKTodaki VI - AIR Laboratories10d 8h 39m 37s200000012.90 ISKMirilene VII - Moon 3 - Expert Distribution Warehouse89d 5h 49m 5s1000012.91 ISKJouvulen III - Science and Trade Institute School14d 11h 20m 15s124115212.92 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant86d 20h 24m 21s21000012.92 ISKJouvulen III - Science and Trade Institute School73d 17h 19m 22s46200012.93 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant86d 4h 37m 11s15459612.94 ISKEkura VII - Moon 14 - Caldari Constructions Warehouse61d 8h 24m 35s55000012.95 ISKJouvulen III - Science and Trade Institute School63d 11h 59m 9s300000012.95 ISKMirilene VII - Moon 3 - Expert Distribution Warehouse88d 17h 0m 12s10000012.98 ISKJouvulen III - Science and Trade Institute School57d 12h 31m 33s336912.99 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant11d 5h 18m 33s25300013.00 ISKMaspah V - Moon 6 - DED Assembly Plant29d 8h 10m 0s54703313.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant0d 9h 49m 53s4997613.00 ISKAkiainavas III - School of Applied Knowledge0d 4h 59m 2s1174513.00 ISKAkiainavas III - School of Applied Knowledge1d 22h 14m 32s3896913.00 ISKAkiainavas III - School of Applied Knowledge2d 21h 53m 12s2508813.00 ISKAkiainavas III - School of Applied Knowledge4d 4h 6m 22s4999713.00 ISKAmsen VI - Moon 1 - Science and Trade Institute School8d 9h 26m 2s153522413.00 ISKEkura VII - Moon 14 - Caldari Constructions Warehouse28d 7h 45m 12s10000013.00 ISKAirkio III - Moon 1 - Minedrill Mineral Reserve55d 23h 44m 11s101350413.00 ISKAkiainavas III - School of Applied Knowledge84d 9h 54m 12s27608313.00 ISKAirkio VII - Moon 3 - Top Down Factory9d 4h 18m 16s34754813.00 ISKAirkio VII - Moon 3 - Top Down Factory9d 6h 26m 7s7367413.00 ISKAkiainavas III - School of Applied Knowledge0d 10h 16m 43s19106113.00 ISKAirkio II - Sukuuvestaa Corporation Factory12d 8h 19m 15s2474813.00 ISKHilaban V - Amarr Constructions Production Plant25d 7h 48m 21s2030036113.00 ISKLustrevik VII - Moon 9 - Brutor Tribe Academy88d 16h 51m 57s20000013.00 ISKMetserel V - Moon 8 - Astral Mining Inc. Mineral Reserve37d 9h 31m 24s20000013.00 ISKMetserel V - Moon 8 - Astral Mining Inc. Mineral Reserve37d 10h 33m 43s3413.00 ISKVylade VII - Moon 3 - Astral Mining Inc. Refinery66d 16h 9m 29s6036013.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant85d 8h 41m 15s43623813.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant86d 10h 55m 51s400000013.00 ISKMirilene VII - Moon 3 - Expert Distribution Warehouse88d 16h 59m 40s6120413.00 ISKDakba VI - Amarr Constructions Foundry21d 22h 39m 47s5000013.00 ISKOctanneve I - Combined Harvest Food Packaging2d 21h 48m 39s5000013.00 ISKOctanneve I - Combined Harvest Food Packaging2d 22h 11m 52s671113.00 ISKCouster II - Moon 1 - Federal Navy Academy11d 14h 39m 51s10000013.00 ISKArnon VIII - Moon 2 - CBD Corporation Storage32d 16h 36m 42s165000013.00 ISKMies I - Astral Mining Inc. Mineral Reserve9d 22h 42m 1s1460460213.20 ISKJoppaya IX - Moon 9 - Ardishapur Family Bureau12d 2h 22m 30s5000013.25 ISKBalle VII - Moon 17 - Center for Advanced Studies School77d 18h 1m 54s287996813.40 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy89d 14h 32m 44s8639413.45 ISKKakakela VI - Moon 18 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant5d 20h 54m 22s5000013.47 ISKTrossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille75d 9h 40m 8s14388013.49 ISKKakakela VI - Moon 5 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory33d 5h 20m 30s63000013.50 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant29d 13h 37m 31s1000000013.50 ISKArlek I - Moon 5 - Core Complexion Inc. Factory0d 16h 24m 52s6054513.50 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy81d 18h 19m 2s1552313.50 ISKCouster II - Moon 1 - Federal Navy Academy12d 6h 2m 38s27820613.50 ISKAlgogille XIII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities73d 12h 0m 7s2495913.51 ISKHadaugago II - Moon 1 - Republic Military School79d 6h 26m 51s180496813.54 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant84d 16h 55m 23s10000013.55 ISKIshisomo IX - Moon 9 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau0d 16h 47m 0s2834613.56 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant1d 9h 45m 11s277555113.62 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant86d 12h 43m 58s214724913.62 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant89d 12h 48m 18s54211013.63 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant80d 9h 19m 23s291079213.65 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant1d 12h 46m 17s65891913.67 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant77d 12h 10m 40s4519213.78 ISKTrossere VII - Moon 3 - University of Caille81d 10h 34m 17s11628713.80 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant74d 20h 57m 16s40000013.99 ISKKakakela VI - Moon 5 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory34d 5h 17m 12s5188013.99 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant32d 7h 30m 48s1951313.99 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy79d 21h 4m 30s22475414.00 ISKMastakomon VI - Propel Dynamics Factory33d 20h 14m 26s676722714.00 ISKHath IV - Moon 6 - Viziam Warehouse72d 16h 20m 21s821573314.00 ISKHath IV - Moon 6 - Viziam Warehouse74d 14h 55m 13s4990114.00 ISKHadaugago II - Moon 1 - Republic Military School79d 4h 9m 23s5000014.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant30d 10h 48m 36s9000014.00 ISKAufay III - Moon 3 - Astral Mining Inc. Mining Outpost6d 6h 18m 23s5289814.00 ISKNakugard V - Republic University72d 19h 22m 11s12297614.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Moon 4 - Expert Distribution Retail Center79d 3h 39m 52s159437914.00 ISKMadirmilire VI - Moon 12 - Republic Security Services Assembly Plant20d 1h 12m 40s32975014.00 ISKIrnin VIII - Moon 8 - Court Chamberlain Bureau7d 15h 36m 29s5000014.00 ISKCouster II - Moon 1 - Federal Navy Academy67d 2h 21m 37s7818814.00 ISKCouster II - Moon 1 - Federal Navy Academy72d 11h 48m 4s380414.00 ISKHirizan VIII - Wiyrkomi Corporation Factory60d 13h 14m 41s95214.06 ISKDeepari II - Imperial Academy62d 12h 30m 28s579614.45 ISKUitra VI - Moon 4 - State War Academy89d 1h 9m 44s127504014.47 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy69d 2h 22m 44s3814.50 ISKUitra VI - Moon 4 - State War Academy36d 14h 39m 39s22390014.70 ISKScheenins V - Moon 8 - Chemal Tech Factory70d 11h 32m 27s1580814.85 ISKUitra VI - Moon 4 - State War Academy71d 4h 28m 52s7202914.95 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant69d 14h 15m 3s3247214.97 ISKSehmosh VIII - Moon 22 - Caldari Business Tribunal Information Center78d 0h 31m 34s200000014.98 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant69d 8h 27m 28s6051414.99 ISKPerimeter II - Moon 1 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant76d 13h 4m 8s5786214.99 ISKPasha VII - Moon 3 - Royal Amarr Institute School78d 0h 31m 27s146214815.00 ISKOutuni IX - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Factory5d 16h 39m 14s211035515.00 ISKOutuni IX - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Factory35d 18h 47m 19s31319515.00 ISKOutuni IX - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Factory35d 18h 48m 34s51530315.00 ISKUitra VI - Moon 4 - State War Academy49d 5h 23m 10s7315615.00 ISKPerimeter IX - Caldari Constructions Production Plant59d 14h 50m 6s109893415.00 ISKOutuni IX - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Factory61d 19h 8m 56s468980415.00 ISKOutuni IX - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Factory63d 12h 18m 5s239815.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant72d 4h 29m 1s229259315.00 ISKOutuni IX - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Factory81d 7h 10m 34s2177915.00 ISKOutuni IX - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Factory81d 15h 21m 25s23922415.00 ISKOutuni IX - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Factory81d 15h 21m 25s35267315.00 ISKOutuni IX - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Factory81d 15h 21m 25s40169015.00 ISKPasha VII - Moon 3 - Royal Amarr Institute School10d 5h 40m 16s7402215.00 ISKTash-Murkon Prime V - Moon 7 - Amarr Constructions Warehouse80d 11h 30m 36s11392315.00 ISKVittenyn VI - Moon 13 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant8d 10h 11m 17s2976515.00 ISKSivala VI - Moon 1 - Caldari Funds Unlimited Depository67d 11h 45m 24s49074915.00 ISKIkao VII - Moon 1 - Sukuuvestaa Corporation Production Plant85d 1h 3m 0s5000015.00 ISKHek VII - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support43d 11h 48m 31s15103715.00 ISKBoystin VI - Moon 12 - Freedom Extension Storage74d 11h 34m 16s16576115.00 ISKPalas II - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant23d 11h 24m 22s10000015.00 ISKKhanid Prime VII - Moon 2 - Khanid Works Shipyard42d 7h 26m 37s5000015.17 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory64d 0h 23m 31s202215.20 ISKKausaaja IX - Moon 9 - Caldari Steel Factory0d 12h 12m 17s59588415.20 ISKCistuvaert V - Moon 12 - Center for Advanced Studies School70d 7h 50m 23s57833815.25 ISKNaeel III - X-Sense Chemical Storage88d 10h 26m 33s44296815.25 ISKHirizan VIII - Wiyrkomi Corporation Factory85d 14h 57m 15s8615.47 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant69d 2h 34m 51s9715.75 ISKAnttiri V - Moon 8 - Perkone Factory20d 17h 11m 28s20000015.80 ISKTash-Murkon Prime II - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory19d 6h 41m 42s500015.90 ISKClellinon VI - Moon 11 - Center for Advanced Studies School81d 14h 14m 21s37908515.96 ISKTash-Murkon Prime V - Moon 7 - Amarr Constructions Warehouse78d 0h 31m 41s300593616.00 ISKOutuni IX - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Factory4d 12h 0m 29s16393516.00 ISKEystur VI - Republic Justice Department Tribunal29d 18h 59m 9s12785516.50 ISKDeepari II - Imperial Academy81d 0h 35m 28s5000018.50 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury27d 6h 37m 56s7327519.99 ISKGicodel VII - Moon 14 - Sisters of EVE Bureau27d 4h 43m 47s1644120.00 ISKMalukker I - Republic University6d 11h 56m 56s5475920.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury89d 11h 58m 54s40012120.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy12d 16h 30m 20s4666821.01 ISKGammel III - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support86d 10h 53m 18s65036921.01 ISKFurskeshin V - Moon 2 - Ministry of Internal Order Logistic Support5d 10h 37m 26s6423.00 ISKTodaki VI - Moon 1 - School of Applied Knowledge81d 11h 59m 49s47463140.00 ISKMies VII - Moon 3 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory44d 17h 19m 45s4999940.51 ISKMalukker I - Republic University71d 13h 39m 49s5000054.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury71d 5h 15m 50s5000054.58 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury71d 5h 14m 27s124879983.71 ISKEygfe VII - Moon 19 - Minmatar Mining Corporation Refinery36d 9h 40m 23s4912387.99 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory35d 15h 22m 12s2461888.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory33d 11h 21m 38s1704089.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory33d 10h 28m 59s530989.50 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory31d 20h 9m 25s16590.00 ISKHilaban III - Moon 4 - Carthum Conglomerate Warehouse16d 23h 18m 28s9853100.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory24d 16h 15m 18s491,000.00 ISKEygfe VII - Moon 9 - Ishukone Corporation Factory20d 6h 35m 59s


RangeLocationMin VolumeExpires in487917613.00 ISKStationAghesi VI - Moon 10 - Ministry of Assessment Bureau Offices176d 17h 55m 12s192478012.50 ISKStationAmmold V - Republic Military School184d 17h 52m 9s295590312.50 ISKStationHarerget II - Moon 1 - Federal Navy Academy182d 23h 4m 35s721197712.45 ISKSolar SystemMetserel V - Moon 8 - Astral Mining Inc. Mineral Reserve187d 9h 52m 33s1352086912.01 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 14h 47m 15s254896912.01 ISK3 JumpsAlillere IV - Aliastra Retail Center12d 8h 5m 0s348496712.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 4h 12m 51s254065912.00 ISK3 JumpsGaha IV - Moon 5 - Republic Security Services Assembly Plant176d 10h 38m 24s999992311.95 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant188d 1h 38m 57s3348127411.75 ISKStationEkura VII - Moon 14 - Caldari Constructions Warehouse189d 8h 33m 19s369770511.71 ISKSolar SystemAmsen VI - Moon 1 - Science and Trade Institute School189d 21h 39m 48s3068441011.70 ISKStationJouvulen III - Science and Trade Institute School189d 13h 23m 22s164051811.70 ISK3 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 10h 26m 10s1201014511.69 ISK4 JumpsAirkio IX - Moon 14 - Hyasyoda Corporation Mineral Reserve189d 5h 28m 52s748321711.69 ISKStationUsi IV - Moon 11 - Perkone Factory140d 6h 17m 18s987012911.68 ISK5 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 4h 57m 58s44973411.68 ISK1 JumpsIrjunen II - Caldari Steel Warehouse138d 1h 16m 6s201241911.64 ISKStationJouvulen III - Science and Trade Institute School186d 9h 7m 26s270135411.60 ISKStationAmamake IV - Republic Fleet Assembly Plant137d 0h 31m 43s297251411.60 ISK2 JumpsAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy188d 14h 8m 21s31488211.58 ISK4 JumpsAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy14d 3h 7m 16s700000011.56 ISK2 JumpsBahromab VIII - Moon 4 - Carthum Conglomerate Factory128d 16h 2m 20s611869611.54 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy134d 14h 17m 39s69459911.52 ISK1 JumpsTeonusude III - Moon 6 - Trust Partners Trading Post183d 10h 12m 5s2683113011.51 ISK5 JumpsKronsur VI - Moon 2 - Republic Justice Department Tribunal184d 12h 58m 19s1689283711.51 ISK5 JumpsOsaumuni VII - Moon 16 - CreoDron Factory187d 14h 4m 39s5000011.51 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant189d 23h 14m 0s1554839511.50 ISKStationUmokka X - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Testing Facilities153d 7h 47m 19s282118411.50 ISKStationAeddin II - Imperial Armaments Warehouse137d 12h 35m 37s190610111.50 ISK5 JumpsKronsur VI - Moon 2 - Republic Justice Department Tribunal176d 0h 11m 48s600000011.50 ISK5 JumpsKronsur VI - Moon 2 - Republic Justice Department Tribunal180d 23h 35m 37s1400319911.50 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant123d 10h 55m 7s531914811.30 ISKStationHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory178d 22h 28m 2s541846811.26 ISK2 JumpsOrduin IX - Moon 12 - Pator Tech School189d 14h 39m 24s869483111.26 ISK2 JumpsRyddinjorn VI - Moon 2 - Pator Tech School189d 14h 39m 30s25485611.25 ISKRegionHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory16d 5h 32m 42s836398011.24 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure167d 12h 34m 2s379935011.22 ISKSolar SystemGekutami VI - Moon 2 - Caldari Business Tribunal Law School123d 13h 10m 18s394404211.21 ISKStationAldrat VII - Moon 7 - Minmatar Mining Corporation Mineral Reserve140d 10h 25m 36s976604011.15 ISKSolar SystemGeras IX - Moon 7 - Prompt Delivery Storage183d 8h 31m 0s159504211.15 ISKSolar SystemUnpas VI - Moon 10 - Core Complexion Inc. Storage187d 16h 46m 42s1000000011.15 ISKSolar SystemUnpas IX - Moon 5 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic Support188d 6h 45m 29s270821211.15 ISKStationHeydieles III - Moon 13 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory125d 4h 50m 12s787043811.13 ISKSolar SystemArnon IX - Moon 3 - Sisters of EVE Bureau178d 13h 10m 55s86392411.11 ISK10 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 11h 41m 36s399999911.11 ISK10 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 11h 42m 37s1542557911.10 ISK10 JumpsItamo VIII - Moon 4 - Core Complexion Inc. Factory189d 5h 17m 16s979479011.09 ISK3 JumpsAlgogille XIII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities189d 21h 51m 24s3929595011.08 ISK4 JumpsAlgogille XIII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities189d 5h 49m 17s259890611.07 ISK1 JumpsAlgogille XIII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities184d 6h 47m 0s100000011.06 ISKSolar SystemGeras IX - Moon 7 - Prompt Delivery Storage179d 20h 55m 27s671263511.05 ISKSolar SystemSaisio VIII - Moon 20 - Sukuuvestaa Corporation Warehouse185d 15h 44m 0s1000000011.04 ISKStationTintoh VIII - Caldari Navy Testing Facilities189d 16h 55m 36s133086611.03 ISK10 JumpsUnknown Player Structure184d 14h 20m 59s1819364011.03 ISK4 JumpsSankkasen II - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant189d 5h 38m 10s301818811.03 ISK5 JumpsAlgogille XIII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities170d 16h 45m 41s888074111.02 ISK5 JumpsSankkasen II - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant188d 17h 53m 34s293201611.02 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy125d 4h 45m 56s2066035411.01 ISK10 JumpsEvettullur I - Minmatar Mining Corporation Refinery187d 13h 50m 32s816033511.00 ISK10 JumpsUnknown Player Structure182d 20h 50m 50s494717711.00 ISKStationLustrevik VII - Moon 9 - Brutor Tribe Academy123d 2h 0m 21s202067611.00 ISKStationAlakgur VIII - Moon 2 - Quafe Company Warehouse126d 23h 4m 25s679121311.00 ISKStationMalukker I - Republic University133d 21h 9m 37s173083611.00 ISK2 JumpsYashunen V - Moon 1 - Sukuuvestaa Corporation Warehouse170d 4h 46m 30s100000011.00 ISKStationHogimo VI - Moon 17 - Lai Dai Corporation Research Center189d 9h 53m 32s1000000011.00 ISKSolar SystemPalas VII - Moon 11 - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant176d 16h 13m 23s944477010.96 ISK3 JumpsNakugard V - Republic University181d 12h 43m 38s407809810.95 ISK2 JumpsAlgogille XIII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities169d 6h 43m 15s300000010.91 ISKStationUitra VI - Moon 4 - State War Academy180d 0h 16m 58s459726710.90 ISKStationUitra VI - Moon 4 - State War Academy172d 7h 12m 10s1795506110.90 ISK4 JumpsAlentene VII - Moon 5 - Astral Mining Inc. Refinery187d 13h 38m 6s63674710.88 ISKStationClellinon VI - Moon 11 - Center for Advanced Studies School183d 13h 59m 29s73145610.80 ISK1 JumpsUitra VI - Moon 4 - State War Academy142d 10h 59m 9s140802510.80 ISK2 JumpsAndrub VI - Ministry of War Bureau Offices175d 23h 20m 54s590000010.80 ISK2 JumpsKizama VI - Moon 4 - Republic Security Services Logistic Support175d 23h 21m 2s821350010.76 ISK5 JumpsSehmy VIII - Moon 2 - Hedion University175d 5h 32m 14s300000010.60 ISKStationTsuguwa VI - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant112d 1h 1m 33s1104563110.60 ISK3 JumpsEthernity V - Moon 1 - Astral Mining Inc. Mineral Reserve189d 6h 4m 57s2653069310.60 ISK5 JumpsCarirgnottin VIII - CreoDron Factory189d 6h 4m 52s188298310.59 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure16d 5h 54m 26s200000010.59 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy188d 9h 24m 21s1000010.58 ISKStationLuminaire VII (Caldari Prime) - Moon 6 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant138d 18h 15m 26s1000010.58 ISKStationLuminaire VII (Caldari Prime) - Moon 6 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant140d 15h 0m 20s587368010.55 ISK2 JumpsUnknown Player Structure178d 15h 14m 24s200000010.51 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy125d 13h 22m 37s371671910.50 ISK1 JumpsOhmahailen V - Moon 6 - Corporate Police Force Assembly Plant154d 19h 8m 20s7251810.50 ISKStationAthinard VII - Moon 2 - Astral Mining Inc. Mineral Reserve10020d 8h 35m 6s929741210.47 ISK5 JumpsVylade VII - Moon 6 - Federation Navy Logistic Support172d 10h 26m 29s415549110.45 ISKStationCistuvaert V - AIR Laboratories140d 11h 36m 17s199564310.35 ISK5 JumpsNafomeh VII - Moon 18 - Tash-Murkon Family Bureau170d 23h 35m 44s333707310.35 ISK2 JumpsSeil IV - Moon 9 - Caldari Business Tribunal Bureau Offices176d 18h 56m 8s98766610.17 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant132d 13h 10m 25s1206038410.17 ISKStationMitsolen I - Moon 1 - Expert Housing Warehouse153d 17h 30m 19s156443610.14 ISKSolar SystemHampinen VII - Moon 11 - Poksu Mineral Group Refinery138d 20h 14m 57s415998210.11 ISKStationAkiainavas III - School of Applied Knowledge158d 7h 16m 45s259277710.06 ISKSolar SystemHentogaira I - Moon 11 - Science and Trade Institute School127d 22h 59m 32s6500010.03 ISKStationJouvulen III - Science and Trade Institute School151d 9h 33m 23s8500000010.00 ISK1 JumpsUnpas VI - Moon 10 - Core Complexion Inc. Storage118d 22h 13m 58s755407610.00 ISK5 JumpsKhanid Prime V - Moon 1 - Khanid Innovation Factory144d 9h 36m 30s202493010.00 ISK40 JumpsLuminaire VII (Caldari Prime) - Federal Administration Information Center171d 2h 31m 12s20000009.99 ISK1 JumpsShokal VIII - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio185d 11h 33m 47s2731269.20 ISK5 JumpsYuzier V - Moon 1 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly Plant173d 10h 7m 21s93061709.00 ISKSolar SystemMuvolailen IX - Moon 11 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant188d 13h 5m 24s58918509.00 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure119d 9h 47m 2s54521219.00 ISK3 JumpsHjortur V - Moon 5 - Minmatar Mining Corporation Refinery1008d 10h 39m 26s2144179.00 ISKSolar SystemKhopa X - Moon 4 - Quafe Company Warehouse173d 0h 3m 17s23494729.00 ISK3 JumpsUnknown Player Structure181d 17h 6m 45s88842318.81 ISK40 JumpsAlentene V - Moon 4 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory183d 0h 54m 39s106521318.80 ISK4 JumpsAlentene V - Moon 4 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory180d 15h 38m 23s21801798.10 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure184d 1h 26m 16s18688518.10 ISKSolar SystemFaurent I - Federal Freight Storage113d 5h 16m 41s10000008.07 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure175d 12h 26m 44s99942048.05 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure167d 23h 21m 13s60713958.00 ISK40 JumpsDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant152d 5h 0m 47s1000008.00 ISKSolar SystemPalas VII - Moon 11 - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant173d 18h 0m 40s10063017.54 ISKSolar SystemStacmon V - Moon 9 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant147d 2h 12m 46s41494866.58 ISKRegionAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy173d 20h 10m 39s99913086.57 ISKRegionFaswiba IX - Moon 1 - Inherent Implants Biotech Production173d 17h 9m 20s63132766.53 ISK5 JumpsDresi I - Moon 18 - Emperor Family Bureau181d 8h 43m 18s15115956.52 ISK40 JumpsAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy2000062d 2h 37m 22s93827656.52 ISKRegionAband IV - Moon 12 - Ministry of War Archives178d 23h 6m 1s90828336.50 ISK5 JumpsKador Prime I - Kador Family Bureau10070d 18h 34m 44s71485756.10 ISK3 JumpsLaddiaha V - Moon 9 - Amarr Civil Service Bureau Offices139d 4h 50m 1s3476436.00 ISKSolar SystemUnknown Player Structure111d 4h 35m 51s25989036.00 ISKStationPasha VII - Moon 3 - Royal Amarr Institute School165d 2h 53m 7s44635896.00 ISKStationChanoun VIII - Moon 8 - Noble Appliances Factory146d 16h 26m 42s2118615.27 ISKRegionRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury169d 14h 51m 12s27315005.26 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure128d 12h 58m 40s259128455.24 ISK20 JumpsRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury17d 9h 45m 45s96684865.10 ISKStationArnon IX - Moon 3 - Sisters of EVE Bureau173d 18h 42m 20s74099555.10 ISKRegionAlgogille XIII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities129d 12h 48m 41s99999365.06 ISKStationTorrinos V - Moon 5 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory131d 22h 17m 21s204960845.02 ISK3 JumpsOursulaert III - Federation Navy Testing Facilities180d 2h 40m 50s50000005.00 ISKStationYuzier V - Moon 1 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly Plant111d 10h 39m 53s50000005.00 ISKRegionHadaugago II - Moon 1 - Republic Military School10028d 0h 30m 25s24168645.00 ISKRegionAlgogille IX - Moon 3 - Bank of Luminaire Depository1005d 7h 46m 2s35882004.00 ISK20 JumpsUnknown Player Structure166d 7h 13m 55s10000003.34 ISK5 JumpsYarebap VI - Moon 5 - Amarr Navy Assembly Plant134d 6h 4m 33s99998713.01 ISKStationVillore VI - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support131d 21h 7m 36s100000001.11 ISKSolar SystemUitra VI - Moon 4 - State War Academy173d 23h 37m 10s99482651.09 ISKRegionLumegen V - Republic Parliament Academy12d 10h 40m 36s8354001.08 ISKRegionIro XI - Moon 11 - Ishukone Corporation Factory178d 0h 31m 15s6949221.07 ISKRegionTash-Murkon Prime II - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory170d 12h 55m 11s97142641.01 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure184d 1h 31m 45s72868901.01 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure188d 6h 36m 49s10000001.00 ISKStationKisogo VII - State War Academy19d 12h 11m 43s61970240.52 ISKRegionYulai IX (Kjarval) - CONCORD Bureau165d 12h 17m 36s8432580.11 ISK40 JumpsOctanneve III - Duvolle Laboratories Factory122d 22h 53m 12s97990240.02 ISKRegionDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant144d 16h 11m 38s47828670.02 ISKRegionOnnamon I - State War Academy1000089d 8h 50m 26s1000000000.01 ISK30 JumpsOipo II - Moon 21 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory180d 14h 19m 32s1000000000.01 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure160d 8h 3m 16s1000000000.01 ISK40 JumpsAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy146d 23h 14m 14s43704010.01 ISKRegionStacmon V - Moon 9 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant1000067d 4h 30m 32s79999860.01 ISKRegionChibi VI - Moon 15 - CONCORD Treasury172d 12h 18m 42s