Heavy Water
QuantityPriceLocationExpires in21529817.00 ISKSerpentis Prime VIII - Moon 2 - Serpentis Corporation Chemical Refinery61d 14h 21m 47s73230.00 ISKCL-85V IX - Moon 2 - Archangels Assembly Plant17d 23h 4m 36s1200040.00 ISKY-DW5K IV - Moon 5 - Archangels Logistic Support3d 14h 54m 9s185340.01 ISKY-DW5K IV - Moon 5 - Archangels Logistic Support0d 4h 30m 58s57883750.00 ISKPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost87d 4h 15m 58s38800052.00 ISKPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost83d 19h 47m 48s2764253.00 ISKPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost39d 13h 2m 4s30096554.00 ISKPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost37d 11h 1m 52s44103554.00 ISKPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost64d 10h 23m 37s900155.00 ISKPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost32d 18h 55m 2s778355.00 ISKYahyerer IV - Moon 9 - Amarr Navy Testing Facilities71d 12h 54m 44s5365070.00 ISKK5-JRD VIII - Moon 2 - Intaki Syndicate Bureau69d 16h 14m 58s7008870.00 ISKIenakkamon X - Caldari Navy Logistic Support13d 19h 26m 25s92289674.55 ISKPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost0d 0h 32m 26s206475.21 ISKOsmon II - Moon 1 - Sisters of EVE Bureau89d 22h 27m 24s661075.50 ISK4C-B7X VI - Moon 1 - Outer Ring Excavations Refinery78d 15h 37m 55s1304879.00 ISKU4-Q2V IV - Expert Distribution Warehouse52d 22h 16m 40s5188379.00 ISKVSIG-K VIII - Moon 1 - Intaki Syndicate Bureau52d 22h 16m 28s225785079.00 ISK98Q-8O V - Moon 4 - Ishukone Corporation Factory60d 1h 15m 13s2634280.00 ISKCamal IX - Ammatar Fleet Testing Facilities87d 4h 30m 12s120799580.00 ISKI0AB-R VI - Moon 2 - Intaki Syndicate Bureau7d 12h 23m 37s10065880.00 ISKAsakai II - State Protectorate Testing Facilities26d 10h 8m 21s1252781.00 ISKBMNV-P XI - Moon 11 - Intaki Space Police Assembly Plant52d 22h 18m 26s4706985.01 ISKHophib XII - Ministry of War Archives78d 20h 23m 14s25016589.90 ISKEgbinger XI - Moon 3 - CBD Corporation Storage82d 19h 49m 24s22805290.00 ISKEgbinger XI - Moon 3 - Republic Fleet Testing Facilities7d 17h 40m 13s41728090.00 ISKPC9-AY III - Intaki Commerce Trading Post77d 18h 21m 12s9795.00 ISKJarizza II - Moon 1 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly Plant68d 2h 10m 6s2825499.00 ISKCamal IX - Ammatar Fleet Testing Facilities83d 23h 48m 37s280000099.00 ISKFaspera I - Ammatar Fleet Testing Facilities85d 6h 56m 43s14082099.00 ISKHakonen IX - Moon 16 - Minedrill Refinery84d 13h 5m 12s247842699.00 ISKMisaba V - Moon 3 - Zoar and Sons Factory76d 11h 6m 20s20000100.00 ISKHentogaira I - Moon 11 - Science and Trade Institute School2d 8h 27m 32s6460000100.00 ISKKiskoken VII - Moon 4 - Caldari Constructions Foundry74d 23h 48m 0s202000100.00 ISKEgbinger XI - Moon 3 - CBD Corporation Storage6d 12h 16m 59s320973100.00 ISKEnnur IX - Moon 7 - Impro Research Center28d 14h 17m 14s718982100.00 ISKVSIG-K VIII - Moon 1 - Intaki Syndicate Bureau23d 14h 7m 32s1709377100.00 ISKMisaba V - Moon 3 - Zoar and Sons Factory23d 14h 58m 43s1267814100.00 ISKMisaba V - Moon 3 - Zoar and Sons Factory66d 20h 3m 57s175342100.00 ISKVezila IV - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant85d 15h 20m 49s8000100.00 ISKRakapas V - Home Guard Assembly Plant13d 3h 16m 30s6852100.10 ISKIrmalin VIII - Moon 13 - Royal Khanid Navy Testing Facilities9d 22h 14m 46s52034101.00 ISKIrmalin VIII - Moon 13 - Royal Khanid Navy Testing Facilities54d 10h 55m 45s112366103.00 ISKGehi IX - Moon 4 - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant88d 21h 28m 21s1672077107.90 ISKOdebeinn V - Moon 5 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory89d 22h 33m 28s1265179108.00 ISKOdebeinn V - Moon 5 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory87d 20h 25m 8s50734108.00 ISKHophib XII - Ministry of War Archives69d 23h 3m 24s881596108.10 ISK4GQ-XQ IX - Moon 1 - True Creations Shipyard1d 20h 50m 32s1407356109.00 ISKNaga X - Moon 16 - Genolution Biotech Production62d 8h 27m 56s101605109.80 ISKKonora VI - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory86d 19h 28m 51s783499109.90 ISK4GQ-XQ IX - Moon 1 - True Creations Shipyard14d 11h 32m 36s1601862109.90 ISKOdebeinn V - Moon 5 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory54d 11h 54m 18s140110.00 ISKIitanmadan VIII - Moon 1 - Caldari Steel Factory44d 8h 0m 4s1255023110.00 ISKOdebeinn V - Moon 5 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory52d 3h 7m 56s994317111.00 ISKPC9-AY III - Intaki Commerce Trading Post30d 0h 38m 20s1300000116.90 ISKOdebeinn V - Moon 5 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory52d 2h 27m 8s831298117.00 ISKOdebeinn V - Moon 5 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory50d 10h 43m 10s5000117.00 ISKSoliara IX - Moon 13 - Impro Factory39d 14h 54m 57s3900783120.00 ISKMaurasi VIII - Moon 14 - Caldari Business Tribunal73d 14h 48m 36s181103120.00 ISKGyerzen IV - Moon 1 - Caldari Business Tribunal Law School38d 18h 17m 56s204736120.00 ISKShokal VIII - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio89d 7h 45m 13s66054122.00 ISKGehi IX - Moon 4 - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant29d 3h 26m 38s66727124.50 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant89d 23h 24m 43s1792064124.60 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant88d 23h 43m 53s5946906124.80 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant88d 21h 10m 4s1449260124.90 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant88d 20h 22m 16s3015324125.00 ISKUanzin V - Moon 1 - Trust Partners Warehouse67d 15h 25m 54s1000000125.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant81d 11h 30m 50s48751328125.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant71d 19h 54m 4s2479212125.00 ISKKiskoken VII - Moon 4 - Caldari Constructions Foundry24d 12h 54m 23s1381547125.00 ISKMisaba V - Moon 3 - Zoar and Sons Factory17d 23h 18m 48s84315125.50 ISKCamal IX - Ammatar Fleet Testing Facilities15d 12h 39m 38s1295631126.20 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant71d 8h 18m 9s246826127.90 ISKOutuni IX - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Factory72d 20h 20m 4s238000129.00 ISKAiraken VIII - Expert Housing Production Plant23d 23h 35m 34s73720129.00 ISKDaras III - Ishukone Watch Assembly Plant29d 20h 55m 43s50000129.60 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant70d 23h 26m 49s29252129.90 ISKPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost70d 3h 17m 50s1144962130.00 ISKGelhan IX - Moon 6 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly Plant85d 13h 49m 23s42987750130.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant34d 13h 31m 40s1136469130.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant57d 1h 25m 56s3000000130.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant70d 4h 58m 51s73708130.00 ISKKiskoken VII - Moon 4 - Caldari Constructions Foundry47d 20h 33m 42s2224747130.00 ISKJotenen II - Caldari Steel Warehouse73d 3h 20m 0s50000130.00 ISKHodrold VII - Moon 8 - Thukker Mix Factory54d 4h 13m 11s232568130.00 ISKKonora VI - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory82d 23h 37m 20s2700000132.60 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant25d 5h 6m 28s20000000133.80 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant86d 23h 59m 55s1339366134.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant28d 11h 55m 19s137968134.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant58d 13h 14m 26s1265085134.00 ISKKiskoken VII - Moon 4 - Caldari Constructions Foundry18d 2h 21m 17s500000135.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant77d 11h 27m 15s4993036135.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant25d 15h 10m 11s50000000135.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant34d 13h 19m 9s5148016135.70 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant86d 17h 29m 34s5553137.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant26d 1h 47m 13s593475138.60 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant23d 13h 32m 17s2652059139.90 ISKIstodard IX - Moon 5 - Republic Fleet Assembly Plant80d 12h 53m 45s568631140.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant24d 14h 54m 4s50000000140.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant34d 13h 30m 41s358485142.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory29d 21h 27m 14s163580142.70 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory89d 18h 2m 53s300000142.80 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory89d 13h 36m 8s5016847143.80 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant62d 22h 43m 8s1308135144.80 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy88d 22h 18m 16s801468144.90 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant41d 13h 26m 54s2433881145.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant16d 0h 47m 56s50000000145.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant36d 10h 45m 44s6901362145.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy88d 21h 52m 1s14776048145.10 ISKUmokka X - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Testing Facilities84d 7h 46m 56s298777145.40 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory86d 15h 55m 40s247999145.50 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory85d 12h 7m 45s745913148.80 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy88d 18h 20m 3s51860148.90 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory22d 19h 34m 49s6515148.90 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy88d 17h 57m 58s121722149.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy88d 16h 19m 26s1251149.70 ISKIstodard IX - Moon 5 - Republic Fleet Assembly Plant68d 15h 34m 21s243757149.70 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy88d 9h 35m 47s791785149.80 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant89d 21h 19m 36s1994593149.90 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant42d 23h 0m 3s1000000149.90 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant18d 2h 31m 30s1608096149.90 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant89d 21h 16m 29s350000149.90 ISKOerse VII - Moon 8 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory89d 17h 14m 5s48700150.00 ISKArnola VII - Moon 1 - Trust Partners Trading Post67d 15h 30m 31s148754150.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant1d 4h 33m 40s50000000150.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant34d 13h 30m 54s483537150.00 ISKVouskiaho III - Genolution Biotech Production5d 16h 23m 27s282207150.00 ISKM-N7WD VIII - Moon 12 - Dominations Assembly Plant85d 3h 23m 42s224237150.00 ISKUmokka X - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Testing Facilities73d 19h 45m 30s280953150.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant89d 20h 57m 41s238026150.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy12d 4h 14m 14s1374683150.00 ISKSarline IX - Moon 10 - Bank of Luminaire Depository81d 16h 6m 33s19000150.10 ISKJerma VII - Moon 4 - Ministry of Assessment Bureau Offices3d 22h 49m 7s232488151.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy87d 16h 34m 58s499999151.10 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy87d 16h 6m 47s1839678151.20 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy87d 16h 4m 54s1500000151.30 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy87d 15h 3m 10s1399000151.50 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy87d 13h 44m 47s450151.60 ISKTartoken VII - Moon 17 - Caldari Constructions Production Plant6d 3h 12m 11s1304000151.70 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy87d 11h 29m 25s367046152.10 ISKAkiainavas III - School of Applied Knowledge79d 3h 21m 59s328765152.20 ISKAkiainavas III - School of Applied Knowledge59d 18h 16m 44s900000152.50 ISKUmokka VII - Moon 5 - Caldari Navy Testing Facilities57d 13h 23m 39s285928152.90 ISKEgbinger IX - Moon 8 - Minmatar Mining Corporation Mining Outpost79d 16h 11m 27s8000153.80 ISKEgbinger XI - Moon 3 - CBD Corporation Storage20d 20h 59m 46s345873154.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant29d 15h 31m 29s229374154.50 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy86d 12h 3m 51s3103098154.80 ISKKiskoken VII - Moon 4 - Caldari Constructions Foundry18d 2h 22m 43s1134132155.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory79d 1h 1m 17s270075155.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy86d 9h 22m 48s757535156.80 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant29d 3h 38m 38s900000159.90 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant18d 16h 14m 29s845541159.90 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy86d 11h 53m 40s300160.00 ISKTartoken VII - Moon 17 - Caldari Constructions Production Plant6d 3h 9m 21s1818262160.00 ISKTeonusude III - Moon 1 - Republic Fleet Assembly Plant65d 15h 22m 7s1000000160.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy86d 9h 1m 10s38600160.00 ISKShemah VIII - Moon 2 - Kador Family Bureau86d 22h 18m 59s78019162.80 ISKJakanerva IV - Moon 17 - Caldari Steel Factory89d 20h 53m 29s1000000163.90 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant89d 14h 47m 9s1374925164.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant87d 18h 46m 32s817353164.90 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant86d 15h 11m 33s46555166.00 ISKKorsiki II - Moon 7 - School of Applied Knowledge74d 1h 31m 47s10000166.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant56d 10h 46m 2s1500000168.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy86d 8h 26m 22s1213168.00 ISKStacmon VI - Moon 1 - Freedom Extension Storage88d 4h 33m 23s1389284168.90 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant54d 1h 51m 21s100000169.00 ISKIkami VI - Moon 13 - Caldari Provisions Food Packaging88d 8h 54m 37s19669169.00 ISKAgoze IX - Moon 2 - Center for Advanced Studies School52d 23h 8m 12s1266395169.60 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant10d 11h 30m 35s14335000169.90 ISKAphi VIII - Moon 5 - Amarr Certified News Development Studio83d 8h 47m 57s275000170.00 ISKOppold III - CONCORD Assembly Plant81d 10h 6m 32s564921171.90 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy86d 5h 19m 0s5409672173.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy87d 10h 8m 53s1890033173.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy88d 19h 22m 39s1133174.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory79d 0h 41m 22s1133174.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory79d 2h 24m 18s1133174.00 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory84d 21h 14m 43s408326174.00 ISKVestouve IX - Moon 11 - Aliastra Warehouse66d 18h 17m 0s41364676174.90 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy38d 9h 16m 48s44718175.00 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant5d 0h 37m 49s642931175.00 ISKKonora VI - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory73d 3h 4m 23s17893175.00 ISKHroduko V - Moon 4 - Republic University77d 14h 18m 42s1025694176.00 ISKReisen VI - CreoDron Factory85d 10h 59m 40s491476176.30 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory74d 23h 55m 58s193847176.40 ISKHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory74d 3h 31m 49s3130529177.90 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant29d 12h 6m 43s56250180.00 ISKAralgrund I - Moon 1 - Freedom Extension Storage49d 20h 37m 3s5458362180.00 ISKRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury83d 9h 23m 5s331529180.00 ISKHorkkisen I - Lai Dai Corporation Research Center54d 4h 32m 29s4400180.00 ISKGehi IX - Moon 4 - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant1d 7h 23m 47s20843180.00 ISKPashanai IV - Moon 18 - TransStellar Shipping Storage87d 23h 27m 20s1182181.30 ISKKamio VI - Moon 7 - Sukuuvestaa Corporation Production Plant87d 5h 13m 16s483820184.80 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy14d 23h 43m 3s322091185.00 ISKYrmori IV - Moon 17 - Core Complexion Inc. Factory28d 10h 16m 32s2368545185.00 ISKMies I - Astral Mining Inc. Mineral Reserve84d 22h 8m 8s1483118186.50 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant2d 23h 0m 21s457151187.50 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant1d 15h 39m 22s2366889188.90 ISKPaara IV - Caldari Steel Factory55d 21h 3m 29s228631189.00 ISKPaara IV - Caldari Steel Factory35d 21h 55m 35s20000000189.00 ISKVillasen V - Lai Dai Protection Service Logistic Support76d 12h 56m 31s26446190.00 ISKAakari I - Minedrill Refinery17d 12h 36m 48s83519190.00 ISKSiseide VII - Expert Distribution Retail Center88d 23h 9m 39s357283190.00 ISKMisaba V - Moon 3 - Zoar and Sons Factory46d 22h 26m 35s382966194.30 ISKSaminer IX - TransStellar Shipping Storage39d 7h 28m 8s328787194.90 ISKJouvulen III - Science and Trade Institute School60d 21h 8m 49s2504571195.40 ISKIsanamo VII - Moon 1 - Nurtura Warehouse28d 23h 18m 12s553848196.00 ISKHalaima VIII - Moon 17 - Mercantile Club Bureau71d 18h 8m 43s21552197.00 ISKSizamod VIII - Moon 5 - Pend Insurance Vault24d 5h 18m 36s8337197.20 ISKIthar VI - Moon 14 - Kador Family Academy22d 12h 31m 55s175000198.00 ISKKulelen V - Moon 18 - Genolution Biotech Production72d 15h 45m 54s250020198.50 ISKYria II - Moon 11 - Deep Core Mining Inc. Refinery80d 22h 32m 18s279641199.00 ISKOishami VII - Moon 12 - Minedrill Mining Outpost29d 19h 51m 8s998000199.00 ISKDantan VI - Moon 3 - Kaalakiota Corporation Warehouse78d 16h 23m 56s877554199.40 ISKRakapas V - Home Guard Assembly Plant54d 12h 51m 13s163091199.90 ISKStacmon V - Moon 9 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant84d 19h 1m 26s624477200.00 ISKHentogaira I - Moon 11 - Science and Trade Institute School82d 4h 56m 41s493821200.00 ISKUesuro V - Moon 15 - Lai Dai Protection Service Assembly Plant73d 22h 24m 49s2715200.00 ISKSiyi I - Nurtura Plantation25d 6h 40m 46s13426258200.00 ISK4GQ-XQ IX - Moon 1 - True Creations Shipyard67d 12h 30m 16s4010330200.00 ISKEystur III - Moon 1 - Republic Security Services Assembly Plant56d 6h 44m 7s874999200.00 ISKUsi VI - Moon 23 - State War Academy82d 2h 21m 31s2462938200.00 ISKErkinen XII - Moon 7 - Chemal Tech Factory30d 6h 55m 0s1259648200.00 ISKHodrold VII - Moon 8 - Thukker Mix Factory56d 1h 18m 23s1824074200.00 ISKMisaba V - Moon 3 - Zoar and Sons Factory15d 9h 59m 15s996200.00 ISKAsoutar V - Moon 5 - Theology Council Accounting26d 11h 1m 13s7074200.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy46d 15h 24m 26s100000200.00 ISKSharhelund VIII - Moon 5 - Sarum Family Assembly Plant74d 12h 0m 59s123441200.00 ISKStacmon V - Moon 9 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant5d 13h 16m 30s909921200.00 ISKKothe III - Ducia Foundry Mining Outpost68d 13h 0m 35s350000200.00 ISKOrdion VII - Moon 16 - Amarr Navy Testing Facilities18d 23h 54m 18s129824200.00 ISKSerren VIII - Moon 15 - Amarr Civil Service Information Center88d 20h 40m 45s5943909210.00 ISKStacmon V - Moon 9 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant70d 23h 7m 43s6050214.80 ISKStacmon V - Moon 9 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant66d 23h 13m 37s950000215.00 ISKStacmon V - Moon 9 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant63d 13h 25m 35s1522901215.00 ISKManatirid VII - Moon 8 - Ministry of War Archives77d 16h 37m 54s150000215.00 ISKDiaderi IX - Moon 16 - Amarr Constructions Warehouse23d 3h 33m 54s240768218.80 ISKHatakani VII - Moon 1 - Caldari Funds Unlimited Depository57d 13h 1m 27s17557219.00 ISKTash-Murkon Prime II - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory82d 2h 57m 19s221057219.00 ISKTash-Murkon Prime II - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory89d 5h 28m 40s106800219.00 ISKDresi I - Moon 10 - Carthum Conglomerate Factory59d 3h 30m 53s90000219.00 ISKKador Prime IX - Moon 2 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory86d 8h 37m 59s218557219.00 ISKKor-Azor Prime V - Moon 2 - Amarr Civil Service Bureau Offices84d 6h 32m 50s3980000219.50 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy4d 20h 23m 58s5000000219.60 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy4d 20h 24m 25s1534589219.90 ISKKamio VI - Moon 7 - Sukuuvestaa Corporation Production Plant1d 0h 50m 52s46375220.00 ISKHilaban II - Moon 7 - Tash-Murkon Family Academy82d 17h 52m 13s171750220.00 ISKHilaban II - Moon 7 - Tash-Murkon Family Academy83d 13h 40m 58s773846220.00 ISKJunsoraert XI - Moon 9 - Roden Shipyards Factory53d 18h 52m 53s597500220.00 ISKTolle IV - Caldari Business Tribunal57d 23h 22m 8s330473220.00 ISKJunsoraert XI - Moon 9 - Roden Shipyards Factory81d 18h 53m 55s100000225.00 ISKAydoteaux II - CreoDron Factory89d 4h 17m 20s1370000230.00 ISKAakari I - Minedrill Refinery45d 5h 41m 48s453995238.00 ISKTar III - Secure Commerce Commission Depository72d 11h 28m 33s475965238.10 ISKVestouve IX - Moon 11 - Aliastra Warehouse34d 15h 2m 4s7987238.10 ISKVestouve IX - Moon 11 - Aliastra Warehouse34d 15h 18m 31s387435238.10 ISKHeorah VII - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory70d 15h 51m 49s275000249.00 ISKAydoteaux V - Moon 1 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory87d 9h 35m 27s288250.00 ISKKorsiki III - Moon 5 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory67d 1h 20m 39s620192250.00 ISKQFEW-K V - Moon 1 - Serpentis Corporation Chemical Refinery48d 8h 15m 23s900000250.00 ISKUesuro V - Moon 15 - Lai Dai Protection Service Assembly Plant29d 19h 50m 30s235478250.00 ISKTash-Murkon Prime V - Moon 7 - Expert Distribution Retail Center38d 17h 29m 35s1355250.00 ISKBasgerin VII - Moon 7 - Federal Administration Archives77d 2h 32m 0s1940012250.00 ISKAydoteaux V - Moon 1 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory67d 12h 31m 11s192500250.00 ISKCarirgnottin X - Moon 1 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory76d 5h 59m 21s199399250.00 ISKEvuldgenzo VI - Moon 2 - Impetus Development Studio37d 2h 25m 48s897551250.00 ISKEygfe VII - Moon 19 - Minmatar Mining Corporation Refinery46d 22h 5m 31s60000250.00 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy26d 8h 59m 59s30837250.00 ISKBoystin V - Moon 6 - Federal Intelligence Office Assembly Plant85d 12h 1m 34s615000250.00 ISKDeninard VIII - Moon 1 - The Scope Development Studio55d 18h 6m 11s327405250.00 ISKHeydieles IV - Moon 19 - Duvolle Laboratories Warehouse79d 14h 51m 0s972221250.00 ISKFliet III - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support79d 14h 55m 8s201391250.00 ISKAmane VII - Moon 11 - Ducia Foundry Mineral Reserve79d 14h 57m 43s496035250.00 ISKYulai X - DED Assembly Plant78d 8h 24m 46s1035458250.00 ISKAgal I - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory88d 16h 33m 19s1159633250.10 ISKActee I - Duvolle Laboratories Factory72d 0h 56m 16s1177370256.40 ISKSynchelle I - Federal Navy Academy73d 23h 22m 18s249703257.80 ISKVillore VII - Moon 8 - Quafe Company Factory42d 22h 40m 28s2626816257.80 ISKArnon IX - Moon 3 - Sisters of EVE Bureau42d 22h 41m 0s606995257.90 ISKVillore VII - Moon 8 - Quafe Company Factory40d 3h 25m 15s839760259.00 ISKVillore VII - Moon 8 - Quafe Company Factory37d 20h 42m 28s224150259.90 ISKJufvitte IV - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support88d 16h 45m 37s656000260.00 ISKScheenins V - Moon 8 - Chemal Tech Factory87d 23h 36m 11s90537260.10 ISKVillore VII - Moon 8 - Quafe Company Factory56d 15h 55m 8s984000263.00 ISKVillore VII - Moon 8 - Quafe Company Factory34d 22h 17m 6s3049695264.00 ISKVillore VII - Moon 8 - Quafe Company Factory28d 15h 33m 47s2679302265.00 ISKVillore VII - Moon 8 - Quafe Company Factory26d 16h 0m 53s271816269.60 ISKVillore VII - Moon 8 - Quafe Company Factory25d 12h 55m 18s4888270.10 ISKGammel III - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support83d 17h 36m 6s1115017274.80 ISKClellinon VI - Moon 11 - Center for Advanced Studies School81d 20h 45m 39s824453274.90 ISKClellinon VI - Moon 11 - Center for Advanced Studies School58d 19h 10m 8s98300275.00 ISKClellinon VI - Moon 11 - Center for Advanced Studies School56d 15h 23m 46s570000279.00 ISKAlentene VI - Moon 6 - Roden Shipyards Warehouse80d 20h 39m 30s245713279.80 ISKAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy62d 0h 32m 0s84303280.00 ISKGisleres V - Moon 8 - Chemal Tech Factory78d 19h 20m 16s74000280.00 ISKAlentene VI - Moon 6 - Roden Shipyards Warehouse79d 19h 50m 30s120000280.00 ISKJufvitte VI - Moon 4 - Roden Shipyards Factory88d 15h 55m 8s56000285.00 ISKTolle VI - Moon 6 - Impro Factory85d 11h 54m 7s584500285.00 ISKAlentene VI - Moon 16 - Poteque Pharmaceuticals Biotech Research Center23d 17h 27m 37s11805295.00 ISKSkarkon III - Moon 14 - Svarog Clade Proving Complex73d 7h 56m 22s1908611296.00 ISKJaschercis IV - Moon 2 - CreoDron Factory64d 17h 33m 19s7087300.00 ISKHalle VII - Federal Administration Bureau Offices3d 11h 26m 58s7087300.00 ISKJunsoraert XI - Moon 9 - Roden Shipyards Factory3d 18h 43m 38s17157300.00 ISKEygfe VII - Moon 9 - Ishukone Corporation Factory36d 8h 21m 27s1237550300.00 ISKAdacyne III - Moon 14 - Federal Administration Information Center43d 5h 0m 34s357047300.00 ISKAlgogille XIII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities11d 22h 48m 14s498319.00 ISKAdallier II - Center for Advanced Studies School38d 19h 28m 23s20500319.00 ISKAdallier II - Center for Advanced Studies School38d 19h 29m 24s12500322.00 ISKEthernity V - Moon 1 - Astral Mining Inc. Mineral Reserve67d 9h 1m 17s62467325.00 ISKAdacyne III - Moon 14 - Federal Administration Information Center32d 3h 40m 27s415748350.00 ISKTolle VI - Moon 6 - Impro Factory6d 6h 40m 48s805747365.00 ISKOimmo IV - Moon 10 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant48d 2h 18m 55s286198365.00 ISKOursulaert VII - Moon 2 - Federal Intelligence Office Testing Facilities55d 20h 27m 25s75000375.00 ISKTeonusude III - Moon 1 - Republic Fleet Assembly Plant46d 21h 31m 6s5000375.00 ISKAedald VIII - Moon 6 - Caldari Business Tribunal Accounting86d 21h 18m 50s152766380.00 ISKTeonusude III - Moon 1 - Republic Fleet Assembly Plant41d 20h 58m 54s536231385.00 ISKSobaseki X - Moon 12 - Propel Dynamics Factory34d 21h 27m 38s473185390.10 ISKBadivefi VI - Moon 2 - Royal Khanid Navy Logistic Support36d 20h 56m 7s358000395.00 ISKTeonusude III - Moon 6 - Trust Partners Trading Post28d 3h 56m 50s125036395.00 ISKVale II - Moon 1 - Veles Clade Extractive Terminus65d 21h 39m 30s8000399.00 ISK1DH-SX III - Moon 1 - Blood Raiders Logistic Support52d 13h 15m 39s260009400.00 ISKDeninard VIII - Moon 1 - The Scope Development Studio6d 6h 53m 16s51292400.00 ISKOnnamon I - State War Academy61d 13h 33m 43s142500488.00 ISKOnnamon VII - Caldari Navy Anchorage52d 4h 45m 42s134000499.90 ISKBoystin V - Moon 7 - Sisters of EVE Bureau80d 16h 18m 41s16000500.00 ISKSakhti IX - Moon 7 - Amarr Certified News Development Studio60d 19h 37m 27s16000500.00 ISKSakhti IX - Moon 7 - Amarr Certified News Development Studio60d 19h 37m 47s16000500.00 ISKSakhti IX - Moon 7 - Amarr Certified News Development Studio60d 19h 38m 12s16000500.00 ISKPelkia III - Moon 2 - Amarr Certified News Publisher61d 7h 10m 30s16000500.00 ISKPelkia III - Moon 2 - Amarr Certified News Publisher61d 7h 11m 7s16000500.00 ISKPelkia III - Moon 2 - Amarr Certified News Publisher61d 7h 11m 38s15999500.00 ISKJoppaya IX - Moon 9 - Ardishapur Family Bureau61d 7h 16m 35s16000500.00 ISKJoppaya IX - Moon 9 - Ardishapur Family Bureau61d 7h 17m 54s16000500.00 ISKJoppaya IX - Moon 9 - Ardishapur Family Bureau68d 8h 42m 27s16000500.00 ISKJoppaya IX - Moon 9 - Ardishapur Family Bureau68d 8h 42m 48s16000500.00 ISKJoppaya IX - Moon 9 - Ardishapur Family Bureau68d 8h 43m 6s16000500.00 ISKJoppaya IX - Moon 9 - Ardishapur Family Bureau68d 8h 43m 22s110075500.00 ISKYehnifi X - Moon 22 - Amarr Constructions Foundry34d 14h 10m 17s869000500.00 ISKCat VI - Moon 7 - Federal Intelligence Office Logistic Support0d 4h 17m 46s705898500.00 ISKPemene VI - Moon 2 - Wiyrkomi Corporation Factory61d 11h 54m 13s332607515.00 ISKIenakkamon X - Caldari Navy Logistic Support43d 20h 24m 28s358798577.50 ISKMaurasi IX - Moon 12 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant6d 3h 40m 54s380000579.90 ISKItamo VI - Moon 6 - Science and Trade Institute School6d 3h 28m 17s339194600.00 ISKSenda III - Moon 1 - Veles Clade Proving Complex3d 10h 30m 5s193028669.00 ISKScolluzer XI - Moon 4 - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio71d 9h 20m 22s473319670.00 ISKScolluzer XI - Moon 4 - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio63d 16h 26m 50s103788700.00 ISKUktiad VII - Moon 21 - Ducia Foundry Mineral Reserve67d 16h 43m 43s960000750.00 ISKTanoo V - Moon 1 - Ammatar Consulate Bureau75d 18h 19m 27s529292750.00 ISKZehru IX - Moon 4 - Viziam Factory63d 18h 29m 42s969501750.00 ISKAvele V - Moon 11 - CreoDron Warehouse7d 10h 31m 21s1000000750.00 ISKStacmon VIII - Moon 22 - Freedom Extension Warehouse63d 19h 50m 7s840969750.00 ISKKulu X - Moon 16 - Royal Amarr Institute School7d 11h 7m 34s546492760.00 ISKChoonka X - Moon 6 - Imperial Armaments Factory9d 5h 6m 39s1065012760.00 ISKAgil VI - Moon 2 - CONCORD Logistic Support8d 14h 55m 15s253830790.00 ISKYria III - Moon 6 - Corporate Police Force Assembly Plant7d 10h 44m 38s400000799.70 ISKDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant67d 11h 11m 59s124000799.70 ISKDuripant VII - Moon 6 - Federal Navy Academy37d 5h 1m 35s222760800.00 ISKDihra V - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support31d 8h 39m 2s1300800.00 ISKZarzakh - Deathless Custodians - The Fulcrum84d 8h 16m 23s78999899.00 ISKPodion VIII - Moon 15 - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost52d 0h 39m 6s7995111,001.00 ISK4C-B7X VIII - Moon 1 - Outer Ring Excavations Mining Outpost34d 13h 23m 34s488591,001.00 ISKNM-OEA V - Moon 4 - Outer Ring Excavations Mining Outpost64d 0h 32m 25s31111,002.00 ISKD5IW-F VIII - Moon 2 - Chemal Tech Factory75d 20h 22m 16s1019821,157.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant4d 18h 55m 22s7922,729.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant3d 2h 46m 8s6199810,010.00 ISKKino V - Moon 3 - Perun Clade Semiosis Theater87d 19h 36m 22s1250020,200.00 ISKJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant32d 0h 7m 38s300025,000.00 ISKPochelympe IX - Federation Navy Assembly Plant60d 18h 37m 23s233631120,100.00 ISKElonaya XI - Joint Harvesting Plantation27d 12h 10m 3s
QuantityPriceRangeLocationMin VolumeExpires in1000180.00 ISKStationStacmon V - Impro Factory185d 2h 44m 49s100000170.00 ISKStationKahah I - Khanid Transport Storage179d 1h 48m 15s1000000170.00 ISKSolar SystemAllebin IX - Moon 4 - Ishukone Corporation Factory186d 9h 14m 47s100000160.00 ISKStationSimela IV - Moon 7 - Sisters of EVE Academy100085d 12h 37m 43s1000000160.00 ISKStationSigga VIII - Moon 15 - Sisters of EVE Bureau189d 14h 32m 8s1000000150.00 ISKStationHotrardik VI - Moon 17 - Republic University189d 14h 23m 54s297650150.00 ISKSolar SystemJerma VII - Moon 4 - Ministry of Assessment Bureau Offices167d 13h 25m 54s100000150.00 ISKStationSortet V - Moon 1 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant187d 11h 29m 38s100000140.00 ISKStationBittanshal I - Moon 1 - Inherent Implants Biotech Production100029d 17h 9m 31s1000140.00 ISK1 JumpsSheroo VIII - X-Sense Chemical Refinery10d 1h 36m 41s54298132.60 ISK3 JumpsOnga VIII - Moon 5 - Imperial Armaments Factory189d 22h 1m 53s80000132.60 ISK3 JumpsOnga VIII - Moon 5 - Imperial Armaments Factory189d 22h 2m 7s500000132.50 ISKStationRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury189d 19h 40m 27s996141132.30 ISK3 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 15h 23m 42s10000132.10 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 14h 34m 7s2000000130.80 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy189d 23h 28m 45s422178130.70 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy189d 23h 28m 33s23022130.60 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy10d 22h 59m 6s955178130.00 ISKStationAydoteaux V - Moon 1 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory141d 6h 40m 13s59345130.00 ISKSolar SystemManatirid VII - Moon 8 - Ministry of War Archives156d 16h 46m 58s2215951128.90 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure185d 7h 25m 11s1000000128.30 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy189d 20h 16m 9s3000000128.20 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy129d 19h 17m 11s1000000128.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy188d 22h 40m 26s2000000127.10 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy16d 19h 43m 44s908217126.10 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy188d 21h 52m 28s74266125.10 ISKSolar SystemTeonusude III - Moon 8 - Imperial Armaments Factory167d 0h 45m 10s100000125.00 ISK2 JumpsRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury179d 1h 58m 39s2201271125.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy155d 2h 46m 41s50000121.30 ISKStationGedugaud VI - Moon 8 - Imperial Armaments Factory10d 14h 59m 16s100000121.00 ISKSolar SystemTeonusude III - Moon 8 - Imperial Armaments Factory185d 6h 46m 8s1000000121.00 ISK2 JumpsRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury10078d 4h 34m 42s654631121.00 ISKSolar SystemChanoun III - Amarr Constructions Warehouse151d 14h 45m 26s970030120.00 ISKStationKasrasi IX - Moon 5 - Trust Partners Trading Post144d 19h 3m 35s100000120.00 ISKStationSerad IV - Moon 12 - Ammatar Fleet Logistic Support189d 15h 35m 58s500000120.00 ISKStationVahunomi X - Moon 4 - State and Region Bank Vault189d 15h 40m 4s21321120.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy153d 18h 1m 47s100000120.00 ISK2 JumpsUnknown Player Structure182d 6h 42m 56s187550120.00 ISKSolar SystemOrvolle I - Federation Navy Assembly Plant130d 18h 48m 30s1947119.80 ISKSolar SystemUnknown Player Structure10d 19h 29m 58s100000119.50 ISKStationFinanar X - Moon 15 - Minmatar Mining Corporation Mineral Reserve153d 1h 30m 39s100000119.00 ISKStationClellinon VI - Moon 11 - Center for Advanced Studies School187d 15h 44m 8s2000000118.30 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy157d 12h 31m 24s70808116.00 ISK5 JumpsTaru X - Moon 9 - Ministry of War Information Center151d 14h 57m 52s200000116.00 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant129d 15h 53m 39s151220115.50 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant11d 5h 16m 44s100000115.40 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant187d 23h 23m 2s715367115.20 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure186d 12h 43m 17s470741115.00 ISK5 JumpsTaru X - Moon 9 - Ministry of War Information Center110d 17h 1m 37s500000115.00 ISKSolar SystemAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy50077d 3h 40m 11s940867115.00 ISK4 JumpsDresi I - Moon 18 - Emperor Family Bureau160d 0h 24m 4s95433113.00 ISKSolar SystemDantbeinn IV - TransStellar Shipping Storage10011d 12h 12m 37s495787112.20 ISK5 JumpsAzerakish XII - Moon 3 - Imperial Shipment Storage110d 17h 7m 31s497238112.00 ISK5 JumpsOnazel VII - Moon 2 - Tash-Murkon Family Bureau151d 14h 57m 24s5592526112.00 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy141d 14h 0m 10s287896111.20 ISK3 JumpsHalaima VIII - Moon 17 - Mercantile Club Bureau171d 18h 9m 0s50000111.00 ISKStationHalaima VIII - Moon 17 - Mercantile Club Bureau17d 18h 35m 55s18534110.10 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy137d 2h 14m 0s766697110.00 ISK1 JumpsReisen VI - CreoDron Factory141d 3h 37m 19s100000110.00 ISKSolar SystemOhmahailen IV - Moon 2 - Ytiri Storage188d 3h 59m 39s428790110.00 ISK2 JumpsUnknown Player Structure12d 22h 27m 45s1000000110.00 ISK5 JumpsOnazel VII - Moon 2 - Tash-Murkon Family Bureau150d 9h 11m 40s1385126110.00 ISK1 JumpsAmarr VI (Zorast) - Moon 2 - Theology Council Tribunal136d 18h 26m 32s518972109.90 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 21h 56m 37s2000000109.80 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure113d 21h 25m 35s1076727109.70 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 21h 21m 31s1489470109.50 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 21h 1m 2s2800000109.40 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 20h 58m 37s1798026109.20 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 20h 27m 35s2710854109.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 20h 12m 30s1561257108.80 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant189d 7h 21m 53s5005713108.60 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant183d 2h 43m 36s1900000108.10 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure182d 8h 46m 33s2000000108.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant182d 8h 22m 43s306000108.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant184d 18h 34m 26s1000000107.80 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant182d 7h 5m 17s949136107.60 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure173d 23h 52m 28s10000105.50 ISK2 JumpsConoban VII - Moon 8 - Hedion University144d 8h 31m 29s2228391105.20 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure185d 18h 3m 4s38097463105.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant138d 16h 0m 34s100000105.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant159d 7h 57m 40s1000000105.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant180d 11h 16m 29s955825105.00 ISKStationHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory183d 6h 28m 8s20420105.00 ISK2 JumpsSehmy VIII - Moon 2 - Hedion University142d 7h 59m 31s80000105.00 ISK2 JumpsSehmy VIII - Moon 2 - Hedion University168d 8h 5m 20s452154103.30 ISK4 JumpsAlentene VII - Moon 5 - Astral Mining Inc. Refinery181d 19h 17m 19s31060103.20 ISKRegionAlentene V - Moon 4 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory180d 8h 56m 55s996188103.10 ISK5 JumpsCarirgnottin VIII - CreoDron Factory186d 12h 48m 0s954831103.00 ISKRegionAzer VI - Moon 3 - Federation Customs Assembly Plant185d 8h 47m 40s50000103.00 ISK3 JumpsAlentene V - Moon 4 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory155d 3h 23m 48s180291102.00 ISK5 JumpsHalle VII - Moon 6 - Federal Intelligence Office Assembly Plant10060d 3h 57m 7s30447101.50 ISKSolar SystemTeonusude VI - Imperial Armaments Factory129d 4h 10m 24s425263101.10 ISK10 JumpsTolle VI - Moon 19 - Federal Administration Information Center136d 14h 15m 1s400000100.60 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant174d 15h 17m 39s198532100.50 ISK1 JumpsJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant133d 18h 3m 13s191692100.00 ISKSolar SystemGelhan IX - Moon 6 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly Plant163d 22h 17m 3s100000100.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant159d 7h 57m 19s100000100.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant188d 22h 15m 53s1000000100.00 ISKStationJouvulen III - Science and Trade Institute School175d 23h 5m 4s150000100.00 ISKStationAutaris VIII - Moon 4 - Sukuuvestaa Corporation Production Plant13d 14h 33m 45s130424100.00 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure111d 15h 49m 52s790000100.00 ISK2 JumpsUnknown Player Structure183d 11h 40m 31s1000000100.00 ISKRegionUanim VI - Moon 12 - Noble Appliances Factory10000086d 16h 25m 35s1000000100.00 ISKStationZarzakh - Deathless Custodians - The Fulcrum171d 14h 16m 9s20000099.56 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure133d 11h 52m 26s113836499.51 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant133d 5h 39m 14s96841795.10 ISK10 JumpsEvettullur I - Minmatar Mining Corporation Refinery184d 20h 33m 51s10000095.00 ISKSolar SystemIrjunen IV - House of Records School167d 12h 53m 28s6723895.00 ISKStationHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory141d 9h 43m 29s500000093.35 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant131d 3h 19m 14s500000093.25 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant130d 18h 57m 0s10000092.22 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant130d 9h 42m 27s284918192.12 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant130d 6h 0m 47s10000091.05 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant130d 0h 34m 32s2000091.00 ISKStationSankkasen VII - Moon 10 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant15d 13h 33m 53s9888690.25 ISK4 JumpsThasinaz VII - Moon 12 - Imperial Armaments Warehouse180d 18h 46m 36s92337590.20 ISK1 JumpsHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory140d 18h 0m 20s59477590.10 ISK5 JumpsNakatre II - Emperor Family Bureau169d 4h 39m 23s192878090.08 ISK5 JumpsIpref IV - Moon 5 - CONCORD Bureau127d 18h 27m 48s992789390.02 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy136d 16h 49m 52s700000090.01 ISKStationAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy136d 16h 30m 41s10000090.00 ISKStationHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory137d 5h 19m 45s10000090.00 ISKRegionStraloin VI - Moon 17 - Federation Navy Logistic Support1000019d 15h 55m 10s49266589.99 ISK1 JumpsOerse VII - Moon 8 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory176d 4h 31m 18s78397287.00 ISK2 JumpsTeonusude III - Moon 1 - Republic Fleet Assembly Plant165d 12h 10m 23s10000087.00 ISK3 JumpsCouster II - Moon 1 - Federal Navy Academy16d 19h 0m 17s41668785.11 ISK5 JumpsVylade VII - Moon 6 - Federation Navy Logistic Support181d 18h 59m 3s10000085.10 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant185d 10h 59m 48s100000085.09 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant181d 18h 21m 32s100000085.07 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant181d 14h 48m 58s52595385.04 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant141d 15h 5m 32s100000085.01 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant140d 13h 54m 28s46572985.00 ISK4 JumpsAirkio IX - Moon 14 - Hyasyoda Corporation Mineral Reserve164d 0h 43m 27s9991785.00 ISKStationHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory135d 2h 58m 12s54404685.00 ISK4 JumpsAlgogille XIII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities164d 1h 11m 26s100000082.14 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant139d 20h 33m 53s1062980.34 ISK5 JumpsYrmori IV - Moon 17 - Core Complexion Inc. Factory1000032d 16h 49m 26s7727880.30 ISKStationHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory132d 12h 28m 18s50000080.26 ISKStationHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory132d 6h 39m 25s100000080.10 ISK5 JumpsKronsur VI - Moon 2 - Republic Justice Department Tribunal169d 18h 42m 32s83675480.10 ISK5 JumpsOsaumuni VII - Moon 16 - CreoDron Factory169d 18h 42m 41s28501180.05 ISK5 JumpsAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy147d 3h 45m 39s55448380.05 ISK5 JumpsAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy179d 9h 18m 36s177198080.00 ISK4 JumpsYuzier V - Moon 1 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly Plant153d 3h 45m 27s24600080.00 ISKSolar SystemAakari VII - Moon 6 - Republic Security Services Assembly Plant152d 15h 13m 54s300000080.00 ISK2 JumpsGerbold III - Moon 14 - Republic Military School165d 12h 35m 51s99966780.00 ISKStationStegette III - Moon 6 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory113d 5h 48m 38s100000080.00 ISK3 JumpsAlgogille XIII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities10d 16h 22m 3s100000079.99 ISK1 JumpsOerse VII - Moon 8 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory176d 5h 15m 41s20000075.30 ISKStationAiraken IV - Moon 1 - Lai Dai Corporation Warehouse185d 11h 44m 56s84203975.20 ISK10 JumpsItamo VIII - Moon 4 - Core Complexion Inc. Factory181d 18h 15m 3s97044575.00 ISK5 JumpsSankkasen II - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant164d 0h 56m 37s33848870.00 ISK2 JumpsDihra V - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support127d 17h 41m 39s11354165.00 ISK5 JumpsOnazel VII - Moon 2 - Tash-Murkon Family Bureau11d 5h 13m 33s989304565.00 ISK2 JumpsRLL-9R IX - Intaki Space Police Assembly Plant150d 23h 0m 38s50000055.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure186d 4h 54m 10s30473650.01 ISKRegionAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy186d 17h 50m 58s86639950.00 ISK20 JumpsUnknown Player Structure167d 10h 28m 53s10000050.00 ISKSolar SystemUnknown Player Structure125d 16h 10m 52s999951950.00 ISKSolar SystemEygfe VII - Moon 9 - Ishukone Corporation Factory168d 23h 4m 22s160033950.00 ISK40 JumpsAmarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy182d 8h 17m 53s10000050.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure170d 17h 50m 36s100000050.00 ISK2 JumpsZarzakh - Deathless Custodians - The Fulcrum146d 12h 45m 7s2000048.21 ISK3 JumpsUnknown Player Structure113d 1h 37m 18s549175748.12 ISK5 JumpsUnknown Player Structure182d 7h 58m 56s734233948.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure157d 14h 22m 38s86792241.01 ISKSolar SystemUnknown Player Structure188d 9h 32m 56s3000000040.00 ISKStationJita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant118d 3h 53m 24s24999937.00 ISK2 JumpsTash-Murkon Prime II - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory180d 18h 5m 26s854484630.32 ISK3 JumpsUnknown Player Structure100059d 14h 11m 6s10000030.32 ISK1 JumpsKorsiki III - Moon 5 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory165d 18h 22m 24s100000030.19 ISKStationDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant177d 19h 47m 11s450056830.00 ISKRegionOurapheh V - Paragon Fulfillment Center132d 20h 39m 25s2000025.00 ISKStationSlays II - Duvolle Laboratories Factory122d 12h 7m 34s98655525.00 ISKSolar SystemHophib XII - Ministry of War Archives128d 19h 28m 11s1000000023.09 ISKRegionTunttaras X - Moon 3 - Caldari Navy Logistic Support188d 23h 21m 15s1107223.01 ISKRegionHaajinen XI - Lai Dai Corporation Factory188d 13h 50m 23s1000023.00 ISK2 JumpsOipo IV - Moon 10 - Corporate Police Force Assembly Plant123d 10h 7m 32s870787220.21 ISKRegionUmokka X - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Testing Facilities10073d 19h 43m 48s10000020.00 ISK5 JumpsKamokor V - Moon 4 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory142d 16h 4m 17s138699620.00 ISKStationMisaba V - Moon 3 - Zoar and Sons Factory14d 6h 8m 25s6172019.00 ISKRegionRens VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury151d 3h 10m 21s804956615.01 ISKRegionVillasen V - Lai Dai Protection Service Logistic Support181d 4h 32m 16s878145415.00 ISKStationVillasen V - Lai Dai Protection Service Logistic Support179d 15h 2m 35s347594812.07 ISKStationOdebeinn V - Moon 5 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory180d 16h 46m 54s191010512.06 ISK3 JumpsOdebeinn V - Moon 5 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory180d 2h 43m 28s523097712.00 ISKSolar SystemUnknown Player Structure117d 12h 56m 1s1349185611.50 ISKRegionGamis X - Ammatar Fleet Logistic Support167d 0h 56m 49s50000011.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 16h 25m 0s100000010.03 ISKRegionH-PA29 V - Moon 1 - Guristas Assembly Plant169d 7h 30m 15s249952159.44 ISKRegionGoram III - Moon 2 - Impetus Development Studio186d 22h 43m 43s99999999.43 ISKRegionTash-Murkon Prime II - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory186d 15h 22m 1s84862696.02 ISKStationEgbinger XI - Moon 3 - CBD Corporation Storage187d 0h 3m 57s99914886.01 ISKRegionTeonusude III - Moon 1 - Republic Fleet Assembly Plant178d 21h 52m 54s567850125.31 ISK2 JumpsUnknown Player Structure144d 1h 10m 4s99635264.53 ISKRegionHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory155d 3h 43m 33s72198624.51 ISKRegion2X-PQG III - Moon 17 - Intaki Syndicate Academy125d 23h 30m 16s9702504.51 ISKRegionHek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory135d 22h 28m 4s7632953.71 ISKRegionUnknown Player Structure189d 17h 58m 10s78359323.70 ISK10 JumpsUnknown Player Structure189d 17h 37m 25s40000003.68 ISKRegionDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant189d 0h 0m 7s161547272.92 ISKRegionIrmalin VIII - Moon 13 - Royal Khanid Navy Testing Facilities177d 4h 29m 41s49986502.91 ISK5 JumpsIrmalin VIII - Moon 13 - Royal Khanid Navy Testing Facilities174d 5h 11m 38s8645002.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure162d 23h 42m 34s99826441.75 ISKRegionSirppala II - Moon 3 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory146d 17h 13m 36s10000001.40 ISKSolar SystemBoystin V - Moon 6 - Federal Intelligence Office Assembly Plant15d 21h 27m 31s199939751.18 ISKRegionRahadalon VIII - Moon 2 - Ministry of Assessment Bureau Offices171d 1h 2m 38s100000001.13 ISKRegionVehan V - Moon 1 - Ministry of War Archives169d 23h 3m 15s1000001.11 ISKRegionChibi VI - Moon 15 - CONCORD Treasury169d 18h 38m 38s199614001.10 ISKRegionAphend VII - Moon 4 - Civic Court Accounting175d 0h 39m 36s1000000001.02 ISKRegionDSS-EZ IV - Moon 1 - True Power Refinery181d 22h 26m 51s10000001.01 ISK20 JumpsUnknown Player Structure15d 7h 33m 47s10000001.01 ISKRegionDodixie IX - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant175d 18h 41m 53s50000001.00 ISK1 JumpsUnknown Player Structure173d 6h 32m 59s111108520.37 ISKRegionPochelympe IX - Federation Navy Assembly Plant169d 5h 27m 33s93857620.36 ISK40 JumpsOctanneve III - Duvolle Laboratories Factory120d 5h 38m 21s637040.17 ISK5 JumpsUnknown Player Structure171d 16h 21m 58s420000000.10 ISK1 JumpsKonora VI - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory189d 3h 11m 7s1110923610.02 ISKRegionStacmon VII - Moon 1 - Impro Factory182d 2h 50m 43s1000000000.01 ISK40 JumpsUnknown Player Structure157d 15h 32m 18s1000000000.01 ISK30 JumpsIntaki VI - Moon 5 - FedMart Storage180d 20h 52m 10s